part 4 - waiting on a miracle

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"Manu, what the hell?!" I yelled looking at the team chart for the semi-finals tomorrow. I was out as a sub. "Why am I a sub?! I beat Bodhi."

Manu was sitting in the outdoor weight room looking over exercise regimes. He looked up and put his book down. "That's exactly why you're a sub. Your attitude is going to end up costing yourself a spot to advance. You may have gotten second but you're too frisky and take too many risks on the waves. You treat beating your friends as a competition. Try following this exercise regime, and maybe I'll change my mind if you show you are actually ready. Remember, this is only your second comp."

"That's the whole point! It literally is a competition!" I said in a shrill voice and grabbed the exercise pamphlet ran out the weight room before smashing into someone. Both of us tumbling backwards, I look to see it's Ari. He held his shoulder groaning in pain. "Ohh my god. I'm so sorry, Ari!" (that rhymed)

"Oi, that hurt. We keep hurting each other, huh?" He smiled and I noticed the smile lines around his eyes. "Why were you screaming?"

"Manu took me off the team because Poppy and I got in a fight the car ride home at the quarters."

"You know, I was going to just ask Manu where you were."

"Why me?"

"Because I think Summer needs a friend or two. She's kind of quiet today."

"Ohhhhh... Yeahhhh Summer." I said and pursed my lips.

"Why did you fight with Poppy? You can tell me what's up, y'know."

"It's nothing. Just some issues. She said I wasn't part of her family. Stuff like that. Even Manu took me off the team, so I feel a bit left out. But that's whatever. How are you? I know it felt weird being at the party and seeing everyone after a while."

"It's fine. I'm doing o..." His eyes faltered to Bodhi and Marlon in their wet suits riding Marlon's jet ski over in the distance.

"You have a crush on Bodhi, huh?"

"It's too late anyways. Summer noticed yesterday as well."

"At least you can spend time with everyone. It will be your last comp. But I'll make sure you have fun, ok?"

"Thanks, Mina." Ari squeezed my shoulder and smiled. I smiled back but just when I thought he was going to walk off, he turned around. "Oh, I forgot to say. Do you have any tips for balance? I saw you out there on the quarters and you were wild."

"I have a few I tweaked from Manu to help me out but would you want to go to the beach with me and we can surf?"

"Sure thanks."

I couldn't hold my smile as we grabbed our boards and walked side by side to the beach. It wasn't a date, but things may go by slowly. My utterly bad, stupid crush on this oblivious boy.


The next day started off slow. Poppy was up against Lily Tran from Anchor Cove in the finals. I was the last round of contenders so I still had some two hours of free time before it was my turn. I decided to make a trip up to the hill where the parking lot is in order to take a breather. Being flat out on the beach made it hard to unwind without the heat beaming directly on my body.

Walking up the hill, breezy air hit me. At the parking lot I saw Ari and Summer sitting behind a red car. Even though eavesdropping is bad, I can't help but stand behind and listen in.

"Do you have a medical condition or something? I think you're having a panic attack. Going to a school with a bunch of rich kids, I would know." I heard Summer say softly.

"I don't know. Please don't tell anyone. If my folks knew about this it'd be the last time I can surf. They'll never let me out of the house." Ari sniffled and sighed.

"Hey, it'll be okay..." I walked off before I can get caught eavesdropping. I still remembered the day Marlon went to Ari's parents scratched and leaves in his hair. We were all worried because Ari hadn't showed up to surfing with us. I thought because it's been a while since he left rehab and the hospital, everything would be back to normal especially
with him surfing again. It's stupid to think things would be ordinary.

In fact, I can't help but be jealous of Summer.


The semi-finals finally came along. The past two days me and Poppy have been prepping. She's been military drilling the well-known basics into my head. Ari and Marlon managed to go through in second and first. Poppy and I were next.

"Hey, Poppy?" I walked up to Poppy even though it's well-known not to bother her when she's in the zone with headphones on. When I got her attention, Bodhi came by. I stiffened since I knew Ari had a crush on her. Analyzing Bodhi, I remember what Summer said about him liking the wannabe influencer. "Are we still good? After the semi-finals can you help me practice my curve?"

"Yeah, of course." Poppy smiled softly and put her headphones back on before taking them back off and saying, "But ask Ari if he wants to come. Bodhi will you go?"

"Sorry, I can't. I have a sponsorship opportunity. We're going to shoot in a week or so and Marlon and Summer said they're going to go. I need to workout to look good for it." Bodhi said and stretched her long arms almost whacking us in the process. "Honestly Mina you should be part of the shoot, too. You have a nice gold hair color."

"I'm not sure." I smiled sheepishly. Literally standing next to Bodhi would make me look like a dumpster fire in a photo shoot. But then I remembered it can be a chance for Ari to notice me. To be sponsored I would need to do good this semi-finals in order to be noticed. "If I get first I'll totally take your place, though."

"That should be easy considering you've been practicing like crazy." Poppy reassured me. I think that our relationship is getting better since some apology ice cream.

The announcement for a two minute mark for our heat was blared across the beach. Poppy, Bodhi, and I grabbed our boards and looked at each other with half-smiles. If we beat those snobby Cove people, we'd show our effort wasn't for nothing these past few days. With Poppy's drills and surfing with Ari that day, I know I can move forward. Even if it's second or third, just let me prove to Manu I can be part of this team. After almost a week of desperate training, he had finally let me back on.

This was the most important event for me to prove myself.

As the alarm rang in my ears, I ran to the water with adrenaline in my veins.

- surfing feelings ⛅️  | ari gibson | a surviving summer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now