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"I can't wait for my fight!" Fuyu squealed silently while Kiba placed his hand on top of Fuyu's head. "Calm down Tora. You might lose too, ya know?" Kiba deadpanned while Fuyu stopped squealing.

"Ehhhh?! Don't say that!! I'm sure I'll win!" Fuyu pouted while she swats Kiba's hand away from her head, she then crossed her arms on top of her chest. Kiba smiled a little bit before pinching Fuyu's cheek.

"I'm just warning you, you little punk!" Kiba joked while Fuyu whined in pain. "Ahhnn! Stwopp!!" Fuyu whined while Kiba chuckled evilly. Once Kiba stopped pinching Fuyu's cheek, Fuyu immediately start to rub her swollen cheek.

"Evil doggy" Fuyu mumbled before the digital sign board started to beep and beep due to the rolling of names.


"Ah-ah! Is my turn!! I'm so excited!!" Fuyu jumped up and down in excitement while Kiba sighed in relief. 'Thank God she is not going against that sand squirt' Kiba thought while Fuyu jumped down from the railing.


"Your name is Fuyu? Isn't it?" Kaito asked with a smirk on his face gaining a nod from Fuyu. "Of course! Is there any other person that was called here when the name was shown??" Fuyu sighed while Kaito flashed a fake closed-eye smile filled with hatred.

"I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl..." Kaito said gaining a scoff from Fuyu. "Me too then!" Fuyu said while going on her fighting stance. "You may start" Hayate announced making Fuyu charge at Kaito.

Fuyu punched Kaito but missed because he dodged it. "Shock waves!" Kaito shouted as transparent waves comes out from Kaito's hands and charged toward Fuyu. Fuyu quickly dodged the waves by doing a back flipped in the air.

Kaito snapped his head towards Fuyu and quickly ran towards her at such speed. Fuyu dodged it again to the side. "Tch! Are you afraid, little kitty?" Kaito said while clenching his fist, Fuyu's eye twitched.

"No, I'm not. The only thing I'm scared of is your stupid haircut!" Fuyu smiles widely when Kaito's expression changed to an annoyed one. "Pay respect to your elders, will ya kid?!" Kaito shouted in anger while Fuyu pouts her lips.

"Nah, you don't deserve my respect" Fuyu stuck her tongue out while she used her right index finger to touch the bottom of her right eye.

"Nah, you don't deserve my respect" Fuyu stuck her tongue out while she used her right index finger to touch the bottom of her right eye

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