3. Saudade

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Warning: Nothing.

A/N: When Satoru and Y/N were 12 years old.

A/N: When Satoru and Y/N were 12 years old

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Year: 2010

23 days. It was the 23rd day she was staring at his empty seat two rows ahead of her. He still hadn't returned.

'What if he never comes back?'

She sighed and turned her dolorous eyes to her book, attempting to sketch a semblance of his spiky hair on its corner. But her pencil stopped as soon as those blues found their way to her memories. The pencil slid gently through her fingertips and fell on the desk. The droplets did not delay in wetting the pages of the book. She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes firmly, tightening her fists and turning her knuckles towards the white.

It wasn't fair. No way. She had missed him; his sweet tooth, his cocky grin, his foolish jokes, and...

No! Hold on a second. There was more to it. I wasn't just missing him. There should be a more appropriate phrase for that. Aha! How about Saudade? It's Portuguese. Unfortunately, there is no definition for this word in the Cambridge Dictionary. But they use it for someone in a deep state of sadness that comes from missing someone who used to be in their life. A deep emotional state of melancholic longing for an absent person. Yes. That's certainly what I felt then, even now.

She was surrounded by her classmates, and yet she felt alone. Well, of course, she would because he was her closest friend. The one who made her feel safe. A boy who made crossing the road like an adventure full of laughter and joy. Oh, God! He was annoying enough to drive her crazy, but also, he was soft, gentle, and kind. He was the only person who understood when she was quiet, when she was loud. He listened the whole time. He listened to her words and her silence. Then he held her hand to share his big world with her. He would do anything to see her smile. Anything.

More tears welled up in the corner of Y/N's eyes. The pit in her heart grew bigger and bigger. As big as it might tear her soul apart.

"Many water droplets formed together scatter sunlight, and you see a white could, but with a dark or gray cloud, the sunlight is scattered in all directions instead of reflected. The different types of clouds are cumulus, cirrus, stratus, and nimbus."

The teacher's voice could be heard. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. With a multitude of precious metal hues, snow clouds, silver and black, adorned the sky. It was about time for the snowflakes to take their place on the grounds.

Satoru had promised to return before the first snowfall, but she had not heard of him in weeks.


Y/N diverted her gaze. She leaned her chin over her palm and tried to pay attention to the writings on the blackboard, but her eyes slipped from time to time into his empty seat.

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