Prologue|『𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9』𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬

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Chapter 9
The feeling of protectiveness

Chapter 9The feeling of protectiveness

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"Amelia. You take five steps back and do not move, got it?" Aurora said. Amelia started to talk but Aurora didn't let her, so Amelia did as she was told. In the SUV, everyone was silent now, awaiting the younger woman's moves. It was obvious that she was protecting Amelia, so they were interested to watch the scene unfolding.

"Whose dog are you?" Aurora started, walking slowly towards them with a bored look on her face. Examining her nails, she didn't even glance up at them before stopping a few meters in front of them. "Hm? The Russians? Germans? No? Hm..." She made it seem as if she was interested in what they had to say, or who they were, but she was just stalling for time when the next explosion would come as a distraction and she could take Amelia somewhere safe. The men in the car were surprised once more.

"Seems like this girl is somewhat interesting, don't you think, brother?" Matteo spoke up now. But the car went silent as the girl outside scoffed in annoyance.

"This is boring. Are you going to attack, or do you want me to do so first?" she asked, without waiting for an answer. "Fine, fine. As you all wish. Amelia, turn away, it is about to get bloody, my sister." "It better be," Amelia smirked back, shaking her head in amazement. She knew who these people were so she didn't fear anything now.

Ares was surprised to see his wife following orders and was getting more and more interested now, but mostly suspicious. With a pop of her gum, Aurora took the first step, slowly, approaching. The men took a step back subconsciously after seeing the expression on Aurora's face as she looked up, peering over them. It was unreadable, cold, and predatory. Her smirk made everyone freeze, even the men in the car were taken aback now.

"Cosa state aspettando, ragazzi? attacco!" (What are you waiting for boys? Attack!) Aurora spoke up, again, taking everyone by surprise. Raising her eyebrows at their astonishment, she tilted her head and pouted her lips like a kid. "What? You didn't think I wouldn't recognize you guys, did you?" She started, really confused now, these people were easy to recognize for her, but that was the secret for her. "Oh! Wait, my bad, not everyone is as smart as me." She giggled shyly, really taking this whole act to another level.

"She's probably bluffing, how could she know who we are by just glancing at us?" A man spoke up, making the people in the SUV more interested in her answer.

"The Italian Mafia. Please, your people were the only ones that helped me out, of course, I'd remember you." She said in a serious tone, her whole stance changing completely now.

In the car, Ares watched carefully the young woman's face. It amused him how quickly she went from shy to serious, from sly to sweet.

"Interesting." He mumbled.

Aurora's time was up, the big explosion sounded once more and she rushed towards Amelia, placing a hand on her back and forcing her to crouch for her safety. Aurora's ears buzzed and her flesh felt an unspeakable kind of warmth, one that no human would ever want to experience. But fortunately, the explosion was on top of the mountain so it didn't affect anyone too much. Or so Aurora thought, it was oblivious to everyone that she was much stronger than an average human. "Amelia, are you okay?" Aurora asked concerned, everyone in the can immediately snap their eyes to Amelia, after all, she was why they rushed into this place. Amelia smiled and hugged Aurora tightly, fear written all over her features.

HIS NEMESIS| 𝐀.𝐊.[UNEDITED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora