oh wow

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Wow thanks for looking at these stupid things I found now don't ask how I found them because I forgot that's why it's random a-

Wow thanks for looking at these stupid things I found now don't ask how I found them because I forgot that's why it's random a-

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Omg it's Doyle from the misfits like holy shit!
Your probably wondering why I'm making a big deal about this.
Well he only smiles if he's up to something.
In other words if your reading this your fucked.
He is going to go in your house.
Kill everyone there and set it on fire.
And there's no escape. You are done for.
Or he'll just eat all your food.
It depends on how much gasoline and matches he has left.
He is so glad you read this useless godamn piece of shit book!
Unlike me.
He is also taking Shrek and Bob Ross with him.
Their his henchmen his helpers.
Anyways thanks for looking at random stuff.
And follow me at lostsoul56926 pls it's my account here.
As of now I have no followers.
Also fun fact it took maybe three hours of work tops to make this.
Adios amigo.
Au revoir.
Gren neit.
Good bye.
That's it.

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