"I am not moving from his side until he gets better," Emma sat onto the side of the bed, where the doctor was sitting earlier.

"Are you okay? You haven't said a word since we got here, Aliya."

Eric asked me as he looked at me with concerned eyes, noticing my frozen state.

"I'm fine," I finally found my voice, it sounded hoarse.

Finally looking elsewhere besides Damien's still frame, I noticed that my shirt was stained with blood.

Not just anyone's, it was his blood.

I ran into the closet to change immediately. I could handle the sight of blood, but what made it impossible for me to even look at it was who it belonged to. The dark liquid was only a reminder of how much pain and misery he went through as the sword sliced through the layers of his skin. I couldn't bare the thought of that sharp object coated with silver making contact with his body.

He was always one step ahead of his enemies, then how did he not see this coming?

The fact that the person was able to get so close to him without their scent alarming him of a threat, must mean they were someone he trusted.

If it was a bigger threat or a common intruder, he would've snapped their neck as soon as he smelled the strange scent hiding through the castle grounds.

Who was this person and what did they want from him?

After changing my clothes, I stepped into the bathroom to wash my hands and my face. The cold water hit my face like a ton of bricks, bringing me back to my senses.

Damien needed me.

I couldn't just let him lay there fighting for his life while I let shock of the event consume me.

He would be in so much pain when he wakes up, I had to be stronger for him. I had to make sure he was okay; be by his side in case he needed something.

I felt a pang of guild consume me as I thought about our argument earlier. How I was giving him the cold shoulder and even kicked him out of his room. Was I too quick to judge him, without hearing his side of the story?

My eyes widened, what if all this could've been avoided if he was simply sleeping in his own room?

Telling myself to snap out of it, I finished my business and made my way out of the bathroom, walking closer to where Emma was sitting.

"Eric, Emma," their attention turned towards me as I said their name, "you guys can go and rest, I will look after Damien."

"Oh, darling, you don't have to go through this alone. We are all family, it's what we do in times like these, stick together," Emma grabbed my hand as I stood besides her, she gave it a gentle squeeze.


I had forgotten such word even existed. Growing up, I craved it. But somewhere along the way, I learned to accept my reality that I had no one in this world to call my family.

She held onto Damien's hand with one of hers, while grabbing onto mine with the other.

Eric came around and placed a hand on Emma's shoulder too.

Now we were all holding onto each other, dreading the thought of letting go. We became each other's comforts, while praying for the same thing.

The pillar who held us all together, for him to just get better.

The pillar of this family, this kingdom, and the whole vampire world.


Unknown's POV

"Where is she?"

The leader demanded from his soldiers, looking behind them expecting to see a fragile, struggling figure of a girl but in return, received empty silence. The leader's eyes turned deadly, as realization drawn on him that there was no girl in sight, just the slumped shoulders of the men he had sent to fulfill his orders. They looked as though they had been beaten, with their clothes torn to shreds, as fresh blood continued to leak from their wounds.

Their eyes cowardly dropped to the floor as they contemplated on what form of punishment their leader was going to wish upon them. For as they had failed to bring such a principal and foremost task to completion.

They were grateful to have escape the wrath of a deadly creature, only to have fallen into the hands another.

"Forgive us, he came to save her at the last minute. We almost had her," one of the men opened his mouth, attempting his last chance at survival.

"Almost isn't good enough, do you hear me?" Their leader didn't try to hide his annoyance that soon turned into disappointment, "I did not train you endlessly and spent all my resources on you for you to fail me like this. All that for nothing!"

He stopped pacing and stood still for just a moment, in deep thoughts, "although I do not blame you. There isn't a single soul in this world who is unacquainted with his strengths and abilities. That is the reason I've had to turn to this strategy in the first place. The only way to him is through her, and I will find my way to him. Is that understood?"

The men could barely stand up on their feet, it had been a long journey for them traveling between the worlds and through the portal. But the adrenaline of failing their leader and feeling useless prevented them from entirely passing out.

"Don't just stand there now, go get cleaned up. Our enemies are well aware of the threat that we have claimed upon them, so it will be even harder to break past their defenses now. This may have just made matters worse for us, we must be prepared for an attack."

Just as the soldiers were about to leave the meeting room, he couldn't help but notice someone was missing.

"Where is Mason?"

"Sir, Mason died at the hands of that monster, we were only lucky enough to survive because he wanted someone alive to deliver his message," the soldier spoke with hate for the man he had encountered.

No stories were enough to bring justice to his brutality.

"What message?"

"May God have mercy on your soul, because he won't."

His partner joined in, and mustered as much courage as possible to speak in front of his leader, now well familiar with the demon he had only heard of.

"We may have declared a war upon ourselves, but the only difference is- he doesn't need an army."


Author's Note

Well well well...

Who the heck are these people?

Who knows? ;)

Also, what do you think happened to Damien??

Sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the others, but don't worry I'm working on more! Don't forget to vote and leave your comments, THANK YOU.


His QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora