Part 20

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Jungwon did indeed grab a glass of water. He chugged it down at once and exhaled deeply.

Jungwon:"I'm just overthinking right?"

Although he convinced himself to think like that, it still wasn't believable for him. Suddenly...


He turned around panickedly. Cold sweat started to form on his forehead.

Jungwon:"W-who's there?"

It's probaly Sunoo or Heeseung playing some prank on me right?"

But to his horror,he heard the two boys singing along to Move by TNX, meaning it definitely wasn't them.


He looked on his right this time.


His breathing got heavier, he was now afraid and visibly shaking.

Suddenly, a cloth went over his nose. He screamed but it came out muffled. He was holding onto the persons arm tightly, trying to remove it but suddenly, darkness slowly starts to take over him. He was now unconscious.



Sunoo:"Gosh, that song was lit!"

Heeseung looked around.

Heeseung:"Y-yeah it is!"

Sunoo:"Heeseung? What's wrong?"

Heeseung:"I feel like something is wrong, why haven't Jungwon come back yet?"

Sunoo:"Oh Gosh, don't overthink! Okay, let's go to the kitchen then,he should be there"

The two boys got up from the couch and entered the kitchen.

Glass... broken glass.

Sunoo hesitantly looked at Heeseung as Heeseung did the same.

Heeseung:"W-wait, so if the glass is broken and..."

He ran around the counter and found Jungwon bracelet that he wears almost all the time.

Heeseung:"Sunoo! Call the police right now!"


Sunoo runs and grabs his phone. He rushingly dialed 999 and told them about there suspicion of there friend being kidnapped. After the call, Sunoo ran over to Heeseung,who was biting his nails out of nervousness. Sunoo reassuringly hugged him,and tried comforting him.

Sunoo:"Hey,don't worry,I'm worried too, the police said they're on their way, so don't touch anything,they need it for inspection"

Heeseung only nodded.

Wow, a day ruined just like that.

Heeseung got up from the seat he was sitting on earlier and went to the living room. Sunoo followed, he knew that Heeseung would blame himself,although he had done nothing wrong.

Sunoo:"Gosh hyung, it's not your fault"

Heeseung:"We should've gone with him, you know he has a disease and him getting kidnapped isn't helping at all!"

Sunoo looks down. Heeseung was right,but it was a situation where there shouldn't be a blame on somebody. He sits down beside Heeseung and holds his hands, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Sunoo:"I promise you, he'll be Okay, it's not yours or my fault, it's best if we just leave it to the police"

Heeseung just sighed and threw his head back, staring at the ceiling.

Heeseung:"I just hope he won't get harmed,I won't spare the person if he comes back all bruised or with cuts!"

Sunoo lightly laughs.

Sunoo:"I'm sure he'll come back alive at least"

Heeseung:"I hope so too!"

But Sunoo wasn't sure if Jungwon would even come back in one piece. He was just praying that Jungwon was going to be alright...

Fake Till Real -Wonki enhypen fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ