Just another boringgg day

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After yesterday's saga Isla wasn't really feeling up to going to school but he ain't got any choice so he decided to get out of bed and take a hot shower to ease up. "Isla come on you're gonna be late" Zoe said knocking.

"I'm coming!!" he replied changing into blue pants and a black crop hoodie with black jordans. He ran downstairs greeting his mom with a kiss on the cheeck. "Hi mom...Bye mom love you" Isla shouted with a waffle in his mouth.

On the way to school Isla was a little shaken up about what might have happened yesterday so he walked slower than usual busy looking behind him. When he saw the main gate he realized that he was a little late so he ran into the hall way and went to his locker to quickly change his books. Closing his locker Isla heard the hall way doors opening with a lot of people laughing and making noise like the school kids they are.

Isla turned to look at who it was out of curiosity and he saw the whole football team and they turned to look as he looked away and he was met with Luke and Josh's stares. Ooh brother

He quickly turned to walk away and as he was about to take another step he heard someone calling out his name and footsteps running toward him.

"Isla wait up" a voice said behind him. As Isla turned around he hit a chest with his head "Ouch the fuck " Isla said rubbing his head.

"Woah... look where your walking angel" Josh said with a smirk.

Uggh Isla pushed Josh away from him with a scowl on his face. "What do you want Josh, I'm already late for class" Isla murmured.

"Hey I just wanted to check up and say hi. I can walk you to class anyway so let's go" Josh replied taking Isla's bag from him.

Ooh lord this godda be fun

"Ooh who's your feisty friend Joshy" Luke said coming behind Josh. "Ooh this beauty here is Isla we met yesterday" Josh replied patting Luke on his back. "Nice to meet you,
I'm Luke captain of the football team. You're a freshman I presume?" Luke asked sticking out his hand for Isla to shake.

"Yeah I am nice to meet you too" Isla replied shaking Luke's hand. "Yeah think I saw you at the assembly yesterday and I thought right, your ravishing "Luke commented. "Ooh thank you but again guys I'm late so godda go" Isla replied.

"Hey now worries we can walk you to class so no prob let's go" Luke commented. They both walked with Isla to his class while making small talk.

They stopped in front of Mr Walkers class and Luke opened the door for him which resulted in heads turning and learners staring. The girls started fixing their hair,applying lip stick and pulling their shirts down to show their boobs and making their skirts shorter.

Ooh kill me now.

"Well look who decided to show show up.You're late 30 minutes Mr William's that's detention" Mr Walker said staring at Isla. *Fuck*

"Yes sir" Isla murmured.

"Mr Walker we apologize for Isla being late he was helping out with the team, you can ask coach so I don't think he needs to get detention. It's our fault" Luke said looking Mr Walker in the eyes.

Everyone turned to look back at Mr Walker,"Ahh Luke no problem as long as coach said it was fine then no detention for Isla" Mr Walker replied.

What...what just happened

"What the hell just happened " Isla asked whispering to Josh. "Well if you didn't know the teacher are big supporters of our football team and fear our captain and coach so anything we say goes" Josh replied with a smirk.

"Just go you'll be fine" Luke said giving Isla a little push and everyone started whispering as Josh gave Isla his bag. "See ya soon Mr Walker and thanks again" Luke said closing the door.

Isla went to his seat and took out his books like everything was normal and people weren't staring at him. The bell soon rang startling him and so he started packing his belongings and went to his next class witch was physics were he met up with Ivy and Ben.

"Hey guys wassup" Isla asked sitting in the chair between them . "Nothing much just talking about the game this friday, you're coming right?" Ivy asked in a curious tone.

"Weeell I wasn't planning on it" Isla responded in a low tone. "Yeah no you're coming like it or not or imma drag your ass there if I have to.

It's our first year in highschool we should have some fun and your already smart so you shouldn'teven worry about your academics" Ben said while paying attention to Ms Hillian. "Yeah convincing enough I'll come" Isla responded while groaning and continuing to pay attention to the lesson.

After a few classes the bell rang indicating lunch."So who are they playing against" Isla asked while walking with Ivy and Ben to his locker."Greenwood High and apparently they're good but not great so we gonna beat their ass" Ivy said. "If you say so don't be too confident" Isla responded taking a sip of her drink. As she was about to respond the bell rang indicating the last few periods left before school was over.

Isla walked to his locker to change some books turning around he bumped into something hard making his books fall "ooh fuck's sake really,my day keeps getting better" he shouted with an angry expression. "Sorry I didn't see ya there" said a deep voice. "Ooh really what am I? Invincible " Isla responded rolling his eyes... looking up to be met Luke's eyes. "Well I hope not or I'd think I'm going crazy" he said with a smirk.

Rolling his eyes Isla picked up his books and was about to leave when he was turned around by Luke. "You really don't like me do ya?" said Luke with a fake hurt expression. "Well I'm a freshman" Isla said pointing between them..."so this looks weird" Isla responded. 

"Well I don't care about weird I wanna get to know you so how about you give me a chance just to get to know me" Luke said following Isla and stopped when Isla stopped in front of his classroom opening the door for him.

"I'll consider it" Isla responded getting into class when he noticed was yet againg late. "Ooh damn it" Isla murmured. Isla looked at Luke and he closed the door. "Well Isla your lucky I'm in a good mood have a seat" Mrs Johnson said continuing to write on the board.

After all his classes Isla went home tired and thinking about everything

Hey peeps I'd like to than you  guys for giving again my story a chance. I'm new at this whole writing things so just bear with me Thanks 💜

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