𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. Dream

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I wish my past life is as happy as this. But I died because my past world was meant to meet its end.

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A sudden pain shot through your head, followed by an eerie voice. You donʼt belong here. You werenʼt meant to be here. It whispered. Holding your head due to the unbearable pain and the disturbing voice that didnʼt seem to disappear, you curled yourself on the wooden floor as tears formed in the corner of your eyes.

The crew members came running to your side, holding your fragile body screaming to the pain. You couldnʼt form words nor call for help but you were thankful for the members to be by your side.

Izo laid your head onto his lap as the others called for medical help. The eerie voice came to a stop but it felt like it was still there, yet finding another time to make you suffer. You didnʼt know what it meant, but it sure made you overthink. "I-I donʼt b-belong here?.." You stuttered out quietly.

"Shhh, just keep still, Y/N. Itʼll be okay." Were the last words you heard before completely passing out.

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"Is Curiel here yet?! Y/N has already passed out!" Izo shouted. Curiel came rushing soon after, carrying his medical stuff. After some checking, they made their way to your room and let you rest for the day. "It must be the trauma from her past life." Curiel stated as soon as he and Izo went out of your room. "Still, Y/Nʼs situation doesnʼt add up to me. How are they, a little child, survived all alone out there in that island? A mere child canʼt support itself especially out in the wild. There must have been someone who took care of them back there, or maybe abandoned them days after we found Y/N on that island." Curiel rambled on. "I donʼt believe on their devil fruit either. Nor their past life."

"You can say whatever you want but donʼt be too hard on Y/N, Curiel. To be honest, I donʼt understand it either. But theyʼre just a child."

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"Izo-san?" Izo fluttered his eyes open, immediately getting up as soon as he heard your voice. "Y/N! How do you feel?" He asked, patting your head.

"My head doesnʼt hurt anymore, thanks to Curiel-san." You beamed. "I just had a weird dream though."

"Do you wanna tell me about it?" You nodded.

"There, was a man. He was all bloodied with some kind of weapon in hand, his other hand holding someone in his arms, fighting the group of pirates that disturbed their village. He was, clearly on the verge of death as the pirates kept laughing, mocking and torturing him. He dropped on his knees as he held someone close to his chest. Then he yelled something. I couldnʼt hear the piratesʼ laughs nor the manʼs cries but it was very clear." You paused, taking a deep breath as you continue to remember the dream and the manʼs inaudible voice.



"Is what he said." You looked down. "His words held more pain and agony than the wounds and injury he took from the fight as he cling to the dead body of that someone. It was heart-breaking."

"To be honest, he reminded me of myself back then. He mustʼve felt helpless as he thought the world showed no mercy to him."

"No matter how righteous we are, God or even Buddha wonʼt protect us."

"I felt that too."

To be continued . . .

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[surpirse, an update after a year.]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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