𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 12: 𝒲𝑒𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒟𝒶𝓎

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Tomorrow morning was the wedding. I'm so nervous about it and I don't how I'm gonna pull this off! Melia gave me my grandmother's wedding dress from when granddad married grandma. The next morning, I got dressed and Miles waited out on the deck for me. I walked down the aisle and I saw Miles standing there, "Do you, Rheas, take Miles as your lawfully wedded husband?" The crew mate said and I looked at him, "I do." I said and Miles softly gave me a smile, "Rheas, I take you as my lawfully wife." Miles said.

We exchanged wedding rings and kissed, I looked at Miles and hugged him, "I love you so much." I said and he smiled at me.

Later on at night, Miles and I sat out on the deck,
"Rheas, I'm so happy to have you as my wife.." he said and I smiled at him. We went into our Captains quarters and everything else was blank, next thing I knew, we slept together and really close at that, Miles woke up and softly smiled and me sleeping, "Rhea, Rhea wake up." He whispered and I woke up, we were kind of bare, I noticed my hair down again and I was so embarrassed that I blushed red. "M-Miles, what's the meaning of this!!!" I screamed and he just laughed like it was nothing, "It's called mating and we happened to kind of mated with each other." He said and I looked at him, "So you're saying that I mated with you..?" I asked and he nodded.

Miles slowly sat up and pulled me into his bare chest, "You'll be alright, Rhea...I kinda want to start a family with you and I bet our child will love you no matter what." Miles said and I lightly blushed, but I grew a little nervous. "Are you sure? I don't know if I'll be a good mother.." I said and he smiled at me like 'I know you'll be a good mom, it'll be alright.'

I knew I was safe with him, ever since we first met..he changed my life. I never thought that I be his wife and maybe, just maybe bear his kid too.

𝒫ℐℛ𝒜𝒯ℰ 𝒜𝒩𝒟 𝒯ℋℰ ℳℰℛℳ𝒜𝒩Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz