Scouting recruits

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"Now then let us get ready for the sports festival shall we," said izuku "yes izuku-sama," said his subordinates as they left to prepare "now then time to add more to my ranks," said izuku as he went to mimics body and touched it making it black goop envelope the entire body as it expanded and a death knight appeared "let's get this party started," said izuku as walked back on his throne smirking.


A week passed and the sports festival is underway as izuku made a giant mirror that worked as a tv but better as he can manipulate it to follow an individual or more as his subordinates were present and ready for individuals that catch their eye.

"Alright all that is left to do is wait and see who will join my kingdom," said izuku just then his mother arrived "oh izuku is it about to start"asked inko "yeah just about," said izuku as he looked at his mother who brought out a bunch of food and had death knight carrying it all "uh mom what all this" asked izuku, "I thought you all would get hungry so I and Shuna prepared all of this," said inko with a smile.

"So where is dad," said izuku as a death knight brought a huge table for all the food. "Oh he is training at the moment but he said he would be here when he is done," said inko "I can probably guess why he is training," said izuku as he remembered the promise he made with his dad.

Just then the sports festival began "here we go" said izuku as he got a plate of Katsudon and started to eat.

I am skipping the obstacle race and the Cavalry Battle

"So far this is better than I could ever ask for," said izuku as he and his subordinates found a load of potential to recruit "I couldn't agree more izuku-sama," said demiurge.

"Now let us see their potential shall we," said izuku as they watched the first match which was Izumi vs shino.

"Well that's a bummer I thought for sure she would lose," said shalltear as she drank a glass full of blood. Demiurge smiled at this "izuku-sama I choose shino to join" said demiurge "very well I'll see what I can do" said izuku as he watched more of the matches "still who were those people" thought izuku.

They watched the other two matches which were todoroki vs sero and kaminari vs Shinozaki but were unimpressed by the results as todoroki and Shinozaki won their matches. Next was mei hatsume vs Iida.

"So she used him to promote her inventions interesting," said izuku with a smile on his face as kurobe and kaijin were intrigued by the inventions they saw, "I think her talent can be better use here," said kaijin "exactly what I was thinking she would be a valuable asset," said izuku. Next was ashido vs Aoyama

"I want to kill that grape midget," said Shuna "in due time Shuna," said izuku "so she can create acid from anywhere on her body," said cocutus, "another one for the list," said rigurd as he had a list of people to recruit. Next was tokoyami vs momo

"It seems we have found a gem within the bunch," said demiurge "I agree a person that can make any material is astonishing," said izuku as he made a priority to recruit her.

"Even in the face of defeat she stood her ground to the end her determination to move forward is commendable," said cocutus "if I had to guess her quirk allows her to manipulate the weight of object she could be useful," said izuku.
Next was todoroki vs Iida

"So close that Iida is most intriguing he knew a long-term battle would be inefficient so he decided to end it as quickly as he can," said benimaru. "He will be a tough one to convince that's is for sure," said izuku. Just the souei went to izuku "pardon me for the interruption izuku-sama" said souei "no worries souei what is it" said izuku "one of my body doubles was patrolling the city when a hero was attacked by a person known as the hero killer" said souei.

"Why would that interest me," asked izuku "well it just so happens to be the Turbo Hero Ingenium and his brother is tenya Iida," said souei as izuku was smiling at what he heard " thank you for letting me know souei I gladly appreciate it," said izuku as souei nodded.

"All right I think that is enough the other matches don't interest me," said izuku as he made the giant mirror disappear he then looked at inko "hey mom can you get hatsum-" already on it sweetie," said inko as she was on her phone with her company "alright then the rest of you continue with your day," said izuku as they bowed "yes izuku-sama," said his subordinates.

"Izuku do you have a moment the four of us would like to talk with you," said Shuna "sure let's speak in a more secluded spot said izuku as the teleported to his room "so what are you guys wanted to talk about," asked izuku "after much thought, the four of us agreed that if you wish to add more girl for your pleasure we wouldn't mind," said Shuna as izuku was stunned "w-wait what do mean more girls," said izuku "well a man of your stature would have multiple women as concubines," said albedo.

"Well, it true that kings had multiple wives but" "there is nothing to argue about there will be more women after you and we have no problem," said shalltear "oh but there is one thing," said Shuna as she and the others had an ominous aura around them "w-what is it," asked izuku "we are the first ones to have your children," said all four of them.

"Y-yeah anyways I am going for a stroll so see you guys later," said izuku as he teleported somewhere in Marfusa "ok that was something," said izuku as he put on a disguise so nobody would recognize him as he was walking through the city. He then was passing an alleyway when he heard a sound of a man screaming so he decided to see what was going on.

When he entered the alleyway he saw a teenage boy about his age dead on the floor and another person covered in blood when the other person saw izuku they went and charged at him which he evaded "I guess I have to play with you" said izuku as he removed his disguise and charge at the person as they fought.

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