Chapter > Prologue: Death & Transmigration

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[ First Person POV - Y/N L/N: Earth]


The only certainty in Life is Death.

No matter how hard you try there is no escape from the End. You couldn't outrun it, you couldn't fight it nor was it something which you could out wait; for Death is patient. Wither it was today, tomorrow, next week, next year or even a thousand years; Death would wait and when you least expected it; Death would claim the lost soul wondering around Life's Playground.

This was a fact everyone knew yet subconsciously tended not to think about it. Not that she blamed them, Death was everything Humanity as a whole feared: The End- Judgement Day, itself- where you lost everything you worked for in your life only to be thrown headfirst into the uncertainty of what lay beyond the Reaper.

Would Heaven be real? Hell? Would your Gods be waiting for you?

Where any of those Theories the Pastors, Priests, books, and Television spoke of real or was everything a lie? Was there anything beyond The Reaper's embrace or would you just cease to exist?

Honestly, They very well might but I couldn't say, I'm not a very religious person, myself.

Though, If I thought about it my Death, I could recall walking alongside a road on my way home as the sky darkened. I could remember hearing the screeching metal and the smell of burning rubber against the asphalt. I could remember turning slightly only to find myself blinded by bright yellow lights only moments before waking on the cold ground with a brunette hovering in my line of sight.

And then... Darkness.

" Eh, I guess this is what I get for being a; Agnostic."

I don't mind the darkness. As long it doesn't try to eat me, we are good.

Sitting down In the darkness, I sighed," Now what do I do?"

I better not have met Truck-kun or some R.O.B. I rather not be Isekai'd somewhere. I'm a proud homebody, and I claim this Darkness as my new Home, so let me stay here.

I'm not very Adventures as you can tell by now, so getting Iskeai'd be probably my worst fear, right behind time-traveling In the past. The past has no technology or my favorite video games. Hell, they don't even have Hentai!

...Not that I jerk off to that or something. I have you know, my sex life is pretty good.

Despite being a Homebody, my next-door neighbor: Lester Papadopoulos, always threw house parties every Friday, so I ninety-nine percent of the time had sex that day. And If I didn't, Lester and I will get shit-face drunk and start to sing.

I still don't know why I sing when I get really drunk, but I guess it's alright. If going by the crowd and Lester's friends, I have a very good voice. So I might as well put it to good use.


" I...*Yawn~* suddenly feel some sleepy...?"

Is this what Death, feels like?

" So peaceful..."

I feel at peace with everything... A truly, wonderful feeling.

Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander wherever it wants...

Curling up, I can all of a sudden feel someone with thin yet calming skined fingers run through hair. Following this incredible sensation, I felt them put my head on their very heavenly soft lap and whisper sweet nothingness In my ears.


Like that, I let her voice take me somewhere as I fell asleep.

My thought was a rather extraordinary one...

" I never knew Death can be so Beautiful..."


[>>>Ero-chan: I hoped you enjoyed my first/Prologue chapter on my new Fanfic. And before you ask, no I will not stop updating my Date A Live, one. It's just this one is for my degenerate mind and you my favorite degenerates. In a sense, this is my; Not-So-Serious Fanfic. With that out of the way, I'll see y'all beautiful and handsome people later In the next chapter~ Ero-chan out>>>]


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