asking each other out

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a/n: when it's a longer story I will be writing it first person bcos I hate writing in second person


I'd just got off work. Tired, yes, but also satisfied with the money I made that day. I gathered up my belongings and walked outside, only to be stopped by Jack, a regular and also my personal favorite customer.

"Look," he said, shoving his hands in his pocket. "I know I flirt with you sometimes."

I raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes?"

"Fine. A lot of the time. But I wanted you to know that it's- it's genuine. I actually really, really like you. You're so nice, and beautiful, and the way you carry yourself even when you can see it in your face that you're exhausted, it's admirable."

I glanced away, trying to avoid eye contact so you wouldn't blush.

"But the point is that I want to be close to you. I want to be yours, and you could be mine. Only if that's okay with you."

I stared at him for a moment. Slowly, a smile formed on my lips.

"I would love that," I finally said.

He surprised you by enveloping you in a big hug, which you returned with a grin.


I reached up to shelve a book. Only I couldn't quite reach it, not even on my tiptoes. I try jumping, but it's no use.

"Do you need any help?" someone asked behind me, placing their hand on my shoulder.

I whirled around, nearly hitting Davey in the face with the book in my hand.

"Davey! I am so sorry I almost hit you," I apologized.

"You're good. Here, let me take this for you."

He took the book I was attempting to shelve and placed it where it needed to be.

"Thank you," I laughed, scratching the back of my neck.

"No problem!"

I smoothed down my dress. Davey brushed a stray hair behind my ear. I stiffened up and blushed.

"My bad. It fell out of your bun and was in your face. I had to fix it." he explained.

I nodded. "Actually, Davey, there's something I need to tell you."

I froze. Why would you say that now? You didn't think you were ready. Were you?

"What is it, y/n?"

"I, uh, I kind of.. kind of..." I trailed off.


"I've had a really big crush on you for a while now."

"You do?" Davey echoed, looking mystified.

I nodded, trying not to embarrass myself further.

"Well, y/n, I think I've had one on you for longer."


"I used to see you shelving books and stuff all the time. I would always try to see if I could find you whenever I came to the library. When you first started talking to me, I was thrilled. And now that you actually like me, I mean, that's great!" he spluttered, blushing.

"David Jacobs, would you be my boyfriend?" I asked.


I kissed him on the cheek, leaving him blushing harder.


I was so incredibly proud of myself. I'd just performed in my first vaudeville, and the crowd had loved it. I went backstage to take makeup off and change. In my dressing room, there stood a mirror, a stool, and a clothing rack. Tonight, there was also a Spot. A Spot? Why was he there?

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