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A/N I wrote this a long time ago and this is the edited version.  It still gives me the feels ;) It's kind of bad but I decided to share this with you

All I can think about now

Is his arms around me.

And that if I was closer,

And if his hands rested on my curves

I would've been in stars.

When I said I needed a hug

I didn't realize he'd give in so quickly.

Maybe he needed one too.

When I got one

I expected a fast one;

"Appropriate" as my grandmother says.

But we stayed together,

Long after the song ended.

I expected him to pull away

Or make an awkward comment,

But if he had the choice

He would've pulled me closer.

And we stayed silent.

His hands gathered on my lower back

(As if he had somehow known

My shoulders would be irritated)

And my arms wrapped around his neck.

He adjusted his head to fit comfortably

On my neck and shoulder

As I breathed him in.

And speaking of breathing

I felt him do that to.

I felt his chest rise and fall

Like waves in the sea,

And I felt his heart beat

Through my very own;

Two drums keeping

Their own melody.

It was a magical moment

And I was sad to break away.

I dreamt if it all night

And the very next day.

Never before had I felt do

Perfectly matched

Up against someone's

Laughter and breathing

And beating heart.

Never had I been so sure

That the puzzle pieces fit

When his hands locked in mine.

He looked me right in the eye

And spoke his thoughts

Through silence.

I think of his smile

Instead of my own's.

And how things would've been different.

If I had said "yes".

He made me shake

Which soon turned to dancing

And I shuddered

As he pulled me close

And in that moment...

I wanted to kiss him,

To test my lips against his

To feel sparks fly through me

Just in case I wasn't sure

That there weren't anything there already.

I wanted to close my eyes...

Call.him my own...

Or look to the stars

To feel him by me.

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