Începe de la început

We speak for Another minutes before he finally left.


Jack's Pov

I woke up with a pale face. I look around , no one is with me. Looking down on my body , i frown.

I'm sure i didn't dress up before going to bed. I glanced at my hand.


I snatch it away and stood up, feeling quite dizzy i walk into the kitchen where the laughter is coming from.

They stop suddenly when they saw me. Janes isn't there and i get the message that both Jill and Maureen must have been harsh to her.

Not that she deserves their kindness anyway. I walk into the room looking at their Frozen expression.

" Why are you looking at me like that? " I asked jill and Maureen smiling. The next sound i heard was Maureen crying while Jill walk to me offering me a hug. I chuckled softly.

" I'm not going to die, come on " i assure them. I patted Jill on the back before pulling her away. " I'm hungry, is the dinner ready ? " I asked rubbing my stomach. It has been a while i ate.

The lord knows i have been very busy this days and Thanks to the Mikes my appetite isn't as it was.  To my delight Maureen quickly serve me some food while Jill encourage me to sit on the kitchen stool. I roll my eyes before taking a morsel.

I was enjoying the conversation and dinner when Janes walk in. She stood still when she saw my face.

" Jack, you... Look sick " she said dashing to me and caressing my cheek. I slowly turn to meet Jill's glare.

" I'm fine, just tired " i said getting on my feet to break the contact but Janes won't let me be.

" I will call you a doctor, I'm worried " she said still caressing my face. I know she was doing that on purpose. I heard Jill dash out, slamming the door.

I sighed before going out to chase her.

" Jill wait up " i grab her wrist gently pulling her to me.

She stop to stare at me, waiting for me to say something. The sounds of a car interrupt our moment.
I frown in confusion, who is it?

I walk into the living room, waiting for the guest. The door open and the man step in.

Mr Wilson.

I took a long stride towards him immediately, showing my respect.

His expression was of anger but when he saw my face his anger disolved into  concerned. His  tailored black suit scream of wealth.

" Are you sick? Look at your face. Is that why you haven't been working? Putting your company in the hands of a bad man? "

I look away guiltly.

" I'm sorry for not working hard sir , i will do my best from now on " i said hanging my head.

He look at me for some seconds As if making a decision.

" Are you okay enough to come to the company tomorrow? "

" Yes, of course i am. " I answered eagerly

He must have noticed my twitching face because he sighed.

" I heard Maureen is back "

I froze in shock.

How did he know?  Mr Wilson for one thing never like Maureen because he as well knows the hard time I passed through during her absent.

I barely nodded.

" No wonder you have been busy, I learnt the mikes have been giving you a hard time eversince she is back. How about you sent her away to one of your villa ? "

I turn to him. If he has heard the information, it will be none other than Donald.
I clenched my hands into a fist.

" I can't send her away, she is pregnant " i told her but he didn't appear to be surprise.

" If you want to keep her by your side then you don't need to keep her in hiding. Get her a job and let her start living  "

I turn to him in panicked

" That would mean announcing to the public that she is back. You know the public won't take slightly if they know she is having a child out of wedlock "

" Exactly, and i heard Zach Mike owns the pregnancy. I will prepare for them a wedding. The groom is rather happy to marry her "

I froze again. The mikes at it again.

" But sir i can't. You know how the mikes is ..." I start to protest but he cut me off.

" stop! Will you rather see mayors creation fall? " He asked glaring. " She should have known better than that. Get her prepare. You will hear from the groom soon " he said walking out.

My shoulder sag at the situation.

I exhaled deeply, the mikes! I lamented.

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