Chapter 4: Clash

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Thunder rolled and lightning clashed priderock on a storm of magnitude that hasn't been seen in years, especially in the middle of the dry season. Though the lionesses rested peacefully, one animal in particular still was having trouble falling asleep. The crashing thunder didn't make it easier for a racing mind, belonging to someone who was greatly concerned about those he loved.

Loud thunder splitting the sound barrier stirs Koda in a constant state of fear. The confusion of what his life will bring and the fear for his family and his pride. Though there is some comfort in the emptiness of the night, there is nowhere to hide from the wrath of a storm, either of the sky, or in the mind.

He sees a group of sturdy tall figures approaching priderock. Leaping for joy he throws himself down the steps of priderock into the rain to meet his mother and father. His joyous trot was unfortunately cut very short...

"I told you we shouldn't have patrolled through the canyon! Now look at us, foolish brother!"

The lionesses parted ways and exposed Kopa at the very back of the party, fuming with rage, facing Kovu standing a few inches away from his muzzle, as if the two were about to begin brawling. Kovu's eyes were so full of sorrow and anger, while Kopa was hate and a sense of betrayal. Their breathing had intensified so much to the point the air around them felt incredibly thin.

"Dad? Where is mom?" A tiny voice interrupted their dispute.

Kovu's heart broke when he saw his son standing a few meters away from him. Both lions had tears in their eyes, but Koda's were out of fear, while Kovu's were out of sorrow. They stare at each other, letting their eyes convey more than words ever could, but it would be short lived. Kopa leaped in front of Koda, not letting Kovu venture further forward towards his child.

"Stay away from the boy! If you couldn't protect my sister, you sure as hell won't protect him!" Kopa screamed in anger,

"He is my child! Stand aside Kopa!" Kovu tried to retaliate, but Kopa roared him into submission.

The lionesses looked at each other with shocked and frightened eyes, no one had seen Kopa this angry before, and never in their lives had members of the royal family acted so hostility at each other. It seemed as if the balance of power in the pride was shifting as the sky darkened and the roars of the two males deepened.

"You idiot! Can't you tell he isn't safe here anymore? No male Lion is! He must leave!" Kopa screams.

"Then who will watch over him! You?!" Kovu yelled back,

"Who do you think? The only family he has that doesn't live here!" Kopa retorted.

Kovu's eyes were wide with shock. He couldn't be talking about 'her', could he?

"How would you know if she is alive, you weren't even there, like I was." Kovu whispered painfully.

"Ono is the Pridelands keenest of sight, if anyone will find her, he will. 'She' is the only one strong enough to protect your boy and keep him hidden until it is time."

Kopa tries to reason, but only angering Kovu. If she was alive, why would she be in hiding all these years? Why not return to her family? HER home?

"Even if 'she' is alive, she will not watch over my boy! He is all I have left of her!" Kovu roared.

"THEN YOU HAVE SENTENCED HIM AND ALL OF US TO DEATH!" Kopa's anger broke through, as his tall and powerful character pounced on Kovu, holding his neck down with his paw.

Seconds felt like hours as the rain drops had slowed to a light drizzle. The pride stood still as water and quiet as rocks. No one had seen either of these two roar so hostility at each other. The glares of Kopa and Kovu slowly turned upward toward priderock as there was a flash of lightning and crash of thunder, exposing an empty spot between lionesses where a certain cub no longer was standing.

Puddles splashed and mud squished underneath Koda's paws. The tone of his Father and Uncle were enough to put a sour taste in anyone, but what he couldn't bare was the thought of the loss of Kiara, the very lioness that took the little cub in. His scamper came to its ultimatum when he reached the Pridelands watering hole, and everything about the boy seemingly came undone. He looked to his reflection in the small body of water, but couldn't even see himself as it was still raining. He splashed his paws angrily through the water, trying to take out his sadness and frustration.

"She was very brave." Koda spun around, with a terrified look in his eyes, only to be relieved that it was Makini.

"Aunt Makini? What are you doing here? What is even going on?" Koda asks, still confused with grief.

"There is much that you will learn when the time comes, Koda. It is okay to feel lost right now." Makini's genuine voice breakes through his defenses.

Koda's eyes don't dry as his breathing heaves heavier and heavier. Makini places her arm around his shoulders as she takes a seat next to him. As they say there, Koda couldn't help but ponder one simple question...

"Aunt Makini, who is 'she' that my uncle and father spoke about?" Koda's eyes still tear stained, but full of curiosity.

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