ep 5 practice/school pickup

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We arrived at practice*

Neymar went to the field and there was Marc,Pique ,Leo and the rest of the team
while the boys were training I went over to Shakira and Antonella
Gaby:hi girls
Them:hi gaby
Shakira:how was the morning
gaby:it was good but when we got to school they found it exciting but we were not allowed to go directly to class
Antonella: why
Gaby:we had to wait for their name to be called and then we were allowed to go to their class
Antonella: oh same with thiago

After practice*
Ney: hey amor *trys to kiss you*
Gaby:steps back* dont kiss me with ur sweat.
Ney:oh cmon
Gaby:anyways i have to pick-up the kids.
Ney: am gonna be home at 2 pm
Gaby: why
Ney: am getting lunch with leo
Gaby:ok see you then
Ney:bye amor
Gaby: bye

At school*

hola vengo a recoger a mis hijos davi y maria (hi am here to pick up my kids Davi and maria) i said

Receptionist:Qué clase (wich class)
Receptionist: ok follow me

We enter the class room

MAMA maria shoutsMãeeee Davi shouts

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MAMA maria shouts
Mãeeee Davi shouts

Meine Babys, ich habe euch so sehr vermisst (my baby's I missed yall so much)

wir du auch mama Maria says (we missed u too) they said

Maria fragte immer wieder, wann du zurückkommst Davi says (maria kept asking when u were coming back)

Lets go to the car I said

Ok they say

do you want an ice cream I asked

yes ice cream They replied

we drive to the town square and there is the ice cream parlor

hello what ice cream do you want The women asked

I want a bubblegum ice cream Davi said

I want a pistachio ice cream duda said

Can I have a mango one please I said

Ok is that everything she asked

Yes u replied

Ok that wil be 4 euros she said

I gave her €4

Ok bye have a nice day she said

U too i replied

Mom can we sit there on that bench and eat our ice cream Davi asked

Ok lets go

We sat and ate our ice cream

We finished and it was already 2 pm

Lets go home guys I said

Ok they replied

 Forgive Me-NeymarWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt