He then started to eat so I did too.

The food was delicious The best food I ever had and It was just a simple egg with toast but delicious.

We finished our food.

"Well Angel I think we should get going you need to get your stuff still at your house and I still have to bring you to school." He smiled at me

I nodded and we stood up. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the dinner room and made our way outside.

When we were outside he had his car all ready so he opened the door for me and I got in. He closed the door and made his way to the drivers seat. He got in and before he started the car I leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek.

He was being so nice right now and I know a peck won't be enough but I wanted to show him I was thankful he made time for me.

He turned to me and smiled and then started the car and we were on our way to my house.
We got to my house and I ran inside I had to use the keys because no one was home. I ran upstairs and got to my room. I open my door and grab my bag. I opened it and saw everything in it so I closed it and ran back downstairs.

Why I am running I have 10 minutes to get to my class and it's a 10 minute drive to my school. So yeah I needed to hurry. I close the front door and lock it again. I ran back to Axel's car,got in and he started the drive while I was still closing the door.

Why Axel started to drive so fast was because he just got a call that he was needed in his office for a meeting in 20 minutes soo we both needed to hurry.

He drove throw red lights and how fast he was driving scared me a little. He removed one hand from the wheel and held onto my left hand.

"Angel you don't have to worry nothing will happen not when your with me"

That calmed me down so I relaxed a little. We were driving very fast but his hand never left mine.
We arrive at my school with 2 minutes left. He turned to me and kissed me. I kiss him back. Hard. And we started to make out but then I realised that I had class to get to.

So I stopped kissing him.

"Thank you!" I got out the car and closed it again. I waved at him and then ran with my bag to the school having 1 minute to get to class.
I made it to class just in time and I saw Mason sitting at the back with Andrew next to him. There were 3 tables at the back and you could see Mason and Andrew saved that seat for me like always. I walk over to them and take the seat. Andrew didn't see me so the next thing he said was kind of sweet.

"Sorry but this seat is taken can you ple-   " he turned around " Riley hey! We were worried you wouldn't make it"

I gave them a smile and then the lesson begon. I made it in time thank god!
It was lunch time now and everyone asked me why I was so late everyone exept Mason because he knows. He knows everything like always.

"Guys I'm here now let's forget it and let's have lunch."

And that's when I remembered I didn't have any lunch. Great.

We sit down at a table and everyone started getting there lunch.

"Hey girl where is your lunch" Julia asked.

"Yeah Riley" Amanda said.

"I don't have any I was trying so hard to get here on time that I forget to bring lunch" I said feeling kind of dumb now because I was really hungry.

"Here Riley" Mason handed me an apple and I thanked him.

Then Andrew gave me a water bottle. Julia gave me one of her cookies and Amanda gave me some of her chips.

"You guys are the best thank you so much!" I have them all a smile and stood up to hug them all.

"Girl we are your friends. Friends do this for friends" Amanda said.

I smile again and then we started eating. We also talked and what Amanda told us all was a shook.

"Guys me and Andrew have to tell you all something" Amanda and Andrew looked at each other and we all looked at them.

"We are dating" Andrew said.

"Omg!!!" Julia was jumping up and down on her seat and I was clapping with a big smile on my face.

Mason gave Andrew a bro-handshake and I was next to Amanda so I hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you two" I say and then wisper to Amanda" I told you he liked you"

She blushed and then Andrew grabbed her hand and kissed it.

They are so cute and deserve each other. Maybe Julia and Mason will have a thing but we will have to see about that.

Right now I am happy for the two love birds infront of me and the food.

Of course the food too. But more for them there so cute!

The ball rang and we all got up and made our way to our classes.
It was the end of the day now and I walk out and saw a black car waiting for someone. When they saw me they walked over to me.

That someone was me.

"Hello miss I'm here to bring you home"

I nodded and looked behind me to see my friends with there mouth open.

I mouthed : I will explain later

I then got into the car and the man started to drive. We were off the school ground in no time and we were on our way home.


I like the sound of that one. Having a home woth Axel. I smile and then look out the window feeling sleepy so I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hey guys sorry for the long no update. I have a test week coming up and I really needed to study for it but I will have more time when the test week is over and I will try to post more when I have the time.

Until next time<3

Just You And Me...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora