The Sad Arrival

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That's all Iris could feel as her and her friends were being plummeted with the waves of the vast ocean. The children of Mrs. Peregrines loop were currently divided amongst a few small boats in the stormy sea. They were going to where Emma said to be a large boat that they would be able to go to Blackpool in. The children didn't have much time, seeing as they didn't know exactly when Barron and the others would perform their updated experiment.

"Here we are," Emma said, quickly getting ready to hop off of the small row boat that she was situated on, ignoring the others' looks of confusion. 

Only Iris had a vague idea of what Emma was about to do, so she readied herself to do the same. Emma quickly takes a small leap off of the side of the boat and Iris follows shortly after. Soon, enough all of the children were submerged in the cold, furious waves of the ocean. 

Taking in a breath of the damp air around her, Iris looks back to the children who were gathered in the commons of the wrecked ship that was now floating to the surface of the water. After taking a quick head count she heads over to the only thing that she felt vaguely familiar with at this point, Millard.

A sudden lurch, the boat finally reached the rough surface of the water. Iris quickly grabbed on to Millard's left arm to steady herself before she fell. All of the children around her had either fell or held on to something because they were anxiously awaiting the unsteady ascend of the long rotting ship.

Far to slowly did the ship move, all of the peculiars were waiting patiently for their arrival at Blackpool, trying to be as positive as they possibly could be. They were quietly talking among themselves and playing small games with each other. That could not be the same for the older peculiars, including Millard and Iris. They were all devising a plan, pitching in their own bits, cleverly fitting each others opinions in with their own, creating more than one plausible plan at a time so they could all decide on the best later with some backup plans just incase it was needed. They were writing all of these ideas in weathered pieces of waterlogged paper that they had found around, and Emma had dried with her peculiarity. 

They had all decided on one that they thought to be the best, and gathered up all of the younger peculiars so that they could all get on the same page. They shared the plan with one another, answering and asking questions, changing the plan as needed. 

An hour or so later, they all finished the plan and learning their parts. Now all they had to do was execute it properly.

All of the children were conversing amongst themselves once again, mainly about the plan, but others were talking about where they would go once they saved the ymbrynes, and where they would go. Though the odd ones out of this peculiar bunch, the boy who could not be seen and the girl who was long dead were doing no such thing. The two were sitting with one another enjoying each others presence reading a book, the book happened to be Romeo and Juliet; a classic that the both of the bibliophile favored.

The sound of Jacob yelling that they had reached Blackpool, along with the sudden reel of the boat snapped both of the bookworms out of the familiar trance that they had both been in so many times before. Millard and Iris got up quickly, the urge to act eating away at both of the people who were currently invisible, one by choice, one by fate. All of the peculiars exited the boat quickly, all ready to execute their plan, and get back the life that most of them have had for centuries, though they all knew, deep down, that their lives would never be the same as they used to be. But that would never stop these peculiar children from trying as hard as they could.

A/N: No, I'm not dead. Yes, I am sorry that I've not been posting recently, my schedule has been very full, and I haven't had the time. This is a rather short chapter, but I do plan on posting tomorrow, but I have a track record of not doing what I say I will so I'm not going to promise anything. This chapter was mainly a filler because I haven't been publishing as many as I should be. Regardless, I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and I know the title of this book is 'Ghosts' but you guys need to start commenting, I'm getting lonely. Anyways, I love you<3

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