When will I start writing BBF?

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When will I start writing "Bullied By Federico"?

I hope soon. It doesn't have that much of a storyline to it... Sometimes I imagine how a story will turn out but it doesn't quite get there so I'm working on writing enough chapters to have it reach there and hopefully it doesn't turn out bad when i publish it, because i usually find that my earlier chapters in most of the books I write are too bland and not very good in general, so i wanted to edit it as much as I could❤️

Same goes for my other Dieletta book and basically every other book I haven't showed you all yet (Yeah, there is more sorry I'm crazy)

I just wish I could write chapters so easily!!!¡!! Other authors are so chill about writing, here's me taking like 18372810 hours to write one chapter.

Sorry for the inconvience. I have decided to write the release date of each fanfiction in the description so you will see that very soon💫

(P.s I have a lot of things, including my best friend's birthday this weekend, so I might be too busy to update)


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