as i was debating if i should or shouldn't stop time. The dog was getting and closer every second.

soon it was just only a few meters away without me even noticing, once i noticed it getting closer i just decided to high tail it out of there, but to my surprise it stopped in it's tracks as soon as it reached me. It didn't try to attack me.

I look at it to see it smiling and barking at me as if it's telling me to pet him or her. I was thinking if should just run away or not, thinking it was still gonna bite me.

As i was contemplating if i should run or not, a person was running towards me while frantically looking everywhere while shouting.

???: "Bubba!! Where did you go?!"

i was surprised she was speaking english, but decided to brush it off, thinking she's a foreigner.

this caught the attention of the dog, it looked back and barked at her.

The person was a girl that was wearing a weird outfit, considering where i was and what time it is.

She heard and looked towards the noise and saw the dog, she had relief plastered on her face, glad that her dog was fine. Once she got to the dog she immediately crouched to it's level and scolded it.

???: "Bubba!! What were you thinking?!
You cant just run off like that! You could get lost!"

The dog got sad for a second but after turning around looking at me it got happy immediately and bark at it's what i'm presuming is it's owner.

???: "huh?..." she looked towards where the dog looked to see me. Just chilling on the bench. I put my hand up to say hello.

Her face got red due to her embarrassment. She got up quickly and apologized.

???:(JP) "i am so so sorry! Did my dog hurt you in anyway? Please tell me if he did, so i can make it up to you"

she surprised me again. By talking in japanese. Wow, guess she's quite talented.

Y/n:(JP) "woah there miss. Slow down a bit and no the dog didn't bite me. So no need for you apologize."

She seemed relieved that her dog didn't do anything bad.

???:(JP) "phew. I thought bubba did something horrible to you."

Y/n:(JP) "bubba?"

???:(JP) "oh that's the name of my dog. His name is bubba, say hi bubba." 

(I dont know the gender of bubba so i'm guessing it's a he.)

The dog looked at me and barked. As if to say hi.

Y/n:(JP) "wow. he's well trained."

???:(JP) "well of course. It's the best detective in the world that trained him!"

Y/n:(JP) "that would explain your get up. I thought i would get arrested or something."

???:(JP) "*giggle* well, your lucky i'm off the clock or else you would be going straight to jail, bud!"

She said while pointing at me. I chuckled at her for joining in on my shenanigans

Y/n:(JP) "heh, you're funny. What's your name?"

???:(JP) "the name's Amelia Watson!"

???:(JP) "the name's Amelia Watson!"

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a new life, a new adventure. (hololive x male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя