Chapter 5: The Corpse Groom

Beginne am Anfang

"A tragic tale of romance, passion and a murder most foul."

"This is gonna be good." The dwarf told (Y/n).

"Hit it boys."

Skeletons started playing instruments and the skeleton with the bowler hat knocked on some do their heads to create music.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer. At least those of you who still got an ear."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "I'll tell you a story, to fill you with gloom, of our own jubiliciously handsome Corpse Groom."🎵

Everyone around the bar started dancing and singing along.

🎵Chorus: "Die, die, we all pass away. But don't wear a frown cause it's really okay. You might try to hide, you might try and pray, but we all end up the remains of the day."🎵

(Y/n) tried to sneak away, but the Corpse Groom held her hand and pulled her back to his side.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Well, our guy was a charmer, known for miles around, when a stranger and her brother came into town."🎵

Shadows appeared on the wall of the bar. One was of the Corpse groom, and one was of a woman.

🎵Skeleton Man: "She was plenty good looking, but down on her cash. And our poor little baby, he fell hard and fast."🎵

The shadow of the woman curtsied, while the Corpse Groom kissed her hand.

🎵Skeleton Man: "When his daddy said no, he just couldn't cope. So our lovers came up with a plan to elope."🎵

🎵Chorus: "Die, die, we all pass away. But don't wear a frown cause it's really okay. You might try to hide and you might try and pray. But we all end up the remains of the day."🎵

Some skeletons appeared on next to (Y/n) and started swaying her from side to side. Then the Corpse Groom grabbed her hand and pulled her away, twirling her around and dipping her. Despite still being very confused, she couldn't help but blush a little.

🎵Skeleton Man: "So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night. They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight."🎵

The bowling hat skeleton grabbed the fabric of the Corpse Groom's wedding tux.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Now his father's old suit fit like a glove. You don't need much when your really in love."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "Except for a few things or so I'm told. Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold."🎵

The shadows showed The Corpse Groom standing by an old tree looking around.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree on a dark foggy night at a quarter to three, he was ready to go but where was she?"🎵

🎵Chorus: "And then..."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "He waited."🎵

🎵Chorus: "And then..."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "There in the shadows. Was it his woman?"🎵

🎵Chorus: "And then..."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "His little heart beat so loud."🎵

🎵Chorus: "And then..."🎵

🎵Skeleton Man: "And then, baby..."🎵

An evil looking shadow that looked like a man appeared behind the Corpse Groom's shadow.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Everything went black."🎵

The evil shadow consumed the Corpse Groom's shadow.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Now when he opened his eyes, he was dead as dust. His jewels were missing and his heart was bust."🎵

The bowler hat skeleton made his way over to (Y/n) and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

🎵Skeleton Man: "So he made a vow lying under that tree, that he's wait for his true love to come set him free."🎵

The Corpse Groom looked over at (Y/n) and smiled at her and held out his hand for her.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Always waiting for someone so he can ask for her hand, when out of the blue comes this pretty young woman."🎵

The skeleton pushed (Y/n) towards the Corpse Groom and he grabbed her hand sand spun her around.

🎵Skeleton Man: "Who vows forever to make his heart bloom, and that's the story of our Corpse Groom."🎵

The Corpse Groom's skeleton arm popped off and it sent (Y/n) flying into two other skeletons who caught and steadied her.

🎵Chorus: "Die, die, we all pass away. But don't wear a frown cause it's really okay. You might try to hide and you might try to pray, but we all end up the remains of the day."🎵

(Y/n) took the opportunity of everyone singing to quietly slip out of the bar and away from all the dead people. The Corpse Groom looked up and saw her leaving and quickly made his way after her.


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