Train ride

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3rd person POV
Natsu and Gray are waiting at the train station for their train, they are sitting on a cold bench outside the station with nobody around.

Natsus POV
we just arrived at the train station things are awkward again..... "Hey Gray where we going to stay at oak town?" "it's not going to take us more a day, I don't think we will be going anywhere after this job apart from home!" What's Grays problem... He's having mood swings! Whatever! This trains stations making me feel sick.... My motion sickness is not going to love me after this.

*train arrives*

Grays POV
I know I'm being mean to Natsu but it's the only way I know, and lately it's been getting out of hand all touchy crap and it's creepy! Our trains just arrived, shit

3rd person POV
Natsu and Gray have just walked on to the train. Two seats at the back of the train were all that's left. They slowly walked over to sit down, how will Natsus motion sickness end?

Natsu POV
Oh no I feel so ill I'm stumbling towards the closest seat and it just has to be at the back. Sitting next to Gray is going to be a pain... Gray sat on the window seat I f-feel so s-sick. *holds hand over mouth* "O-ohhh no" "dragon face just go to sleep!" Im going to be sick, why couldn't Gray not be a dick and let me sit next to the window!! But maybe I'll take a sleep like he says *yawns* ......................

Gray POV
Oh shit, Natsus fallen asleep!! ON MY ARM!!!! Oh no... He looks so peaceful should I wake him up??!! No I can't.... Oh God!! Should I just push him off me? But if I wake him off he might be sick everywhere... Oh I'm just going to leave it! The train rides long I don't want Natsu annoying me! As I look down at him i just..... felt so calm. I smiled out the window. His head fell of my arm, and fell on MY LAP! I'm not happy with this but..... at the same time I am. I'm just going to let him sleep. I stroked his hair to calm him down. I looked out the window with my hand on his head.

Natsu POV
I woke up a while ago to feel Gray stroking my head. I smiled and for some reason I didn't feel sick anymore! I felt calm and constable! I didn't tell Gray that I was awake maybe it's better this way, what does this mean! I feel so happy knowing he cares, do I think of him as a good friend or s-something more?!

3rd person POV
The train was going at a steady paste, they will soon arrive in oak town. It's going to be along journey what else will happen?

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