It all started one day when an injured wolf hobbled into a village on the edge of the forest. Blood spilled from its shoulder and it panted as it made its way into a field of sheep. The farmers were used to watching for wolves emerging from the forest, usually staffing a local teenager to sit at the edge of the field and watch. A shotgun leaned against the watch stand, dusty.
When she noted the scruffy gray form moving towards her, the girl squinted her eyes as she reached for the shotgun. Her hand on the cool metal of the barrel, her fingers didn't wrap around it as she noticed the weakened gait and the blood dripping from its shoulders, down the front leg, and between the toes of the paw.
The girl knew she should shoot it and put it out of its misery, but her job was to protect the flock of sheep and this wolf was obviously no threat to them. Slowly climbing down the elevated watch stand, the girl approached the wounded animal.
The wolf approached her as if it was there specifically for her. Laying down on its uninjured side, yellow eyes watched as the girl lightly touched the wound, blood coating her hand.
"How did you manage this?" she asked as if talking to a housecat.
The wolf let out a whimper.
The girl looked around, hoping her bosses were not nearby. She knew this would likely get her thrown off the job, but the animal was helpless. Remembering that a blanket was kept in the watch stand, she climbed back up and brought the layers of thick cotton back down.
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but this should stop the bleeding."
Two Weeks Later
"The wolf is dead!"
Bells chimed and people emerged from houses and businesses as the crowd of the village's men walked into the square. Torches illuminated the branch slung over the shoulders of two men. People craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the creature, but instead caught a glimpse of bloodied human skin.
"You've killed a man!"
The body was that of a young man, probably no older than twenty-five. His dark hair hung down as if standing up along the back of a threatened wolf. Each of his limbs was tied to the branch with coarse rope. Mouths dropped and villagers gasped. Children swept behind skirts.
The men looked between each other. "He was a wolf when we shot him."
Silence fell. If he was a wolf and then turned into a man that could only mean one thing.

Amadeus |
FanfictionChan belongs to the Order of Amadeus who work to keep the kingdom safe from the lycanthropy plague spreading among the populace. You can only hunt so long before you become what you hunt. Y/N is a violinist in a traveling music troupe-one of the few...