1. promise?

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gon's POV

today was the last day before killua and i started high school. i will definitely admit, i'm really nervous, especially because killua and i weren't going to be going to the same school, for this year at least.

that worried me because, well...killua and i have been friends for as long as i can remember. and you know how that goes; we're inseparable!

me and my best friend do everything together. killua and i went to the same pre-school, elementary school, middle school, and we live in the same neighborhood.

we even have a special spot, our flower field. it's a little over half a mile from our neighborhood, since we live a bit far from the city.

killua and i lay in the field together almost every other day, talking, playing, giggling, and crying. we do everything there.

speaking of the flower field, me and killua planned to meet there this morning.

"ahhh," i yawned, stretching as i sat up in my bed. i huffed a sigh, remembering that today was the last day before me and my best friend in the whole world would have to go to different schools together.

"why does killua's mom think that it's a good idea for me and him to be apart all of a sudden?" i thought. "i swear she's a psycho! ugh!"

i sent a text to killua, telling him "good morning" and that "i'm going to head over to the field now".


"morning aunt mito!" i hummed, grabbing a pancake from the stack sitting on the counter. "thanks!" i yelled, mouth full of the soft pancake i snatched as i headed to the door before mito stopped me.

"not so fast!" mito started, "you're headed off so soon!" she continued, "i know you're excited to see killua, but let me at least say goodbye first." she lectured.

i laughed sheepishly, apologizing. mito sighed, shaking her head. "good morning, gon, have fun at the field! don't forget, come back for lunch. and bring killua along, too!" aunt mito smiled, patting my shoulders that had the straps of my backpack on them.

"okay, love you!" i said, turning around as i headed out the door of our house. mito said it back it as the front door closed and i hopped on my bike.


i stopped on the dirt road, almost to the field because i heard a vibration from my phone. killua texted back, saying "good morning", and that he was "almost to the flower field".

i still get so excited when i turn on my phone and see a text from killua, like i'm still a little kid. sometimes i even get butterflies...i don't know what that's about though.


i hummed, gingerly laying my bike down on some flowers in the middle of the field. killua and i always hung out where the wildflowers blended into the colorful poppies.

i laid in the flowers as i let my mind drift off, thinking back to the deep talks me and killua have shared here in these poppies.

we came out to each other, one at a time, me as pansexual, and killua as gay. we voiced our feelings to each other, when we felt sad, angry, happy, and even when we felt a bit horny. over all, we created an unbreakable bond throughout the years.

"although we won't be going to the same school, we must promise each other that we'll still go to the field all the time, and still text all the time, and still bike over to each other's houses all the time," i thought again, determined as ever.

just as i picked up my phone to check killua's location to see how close he was, i heard ruffling of the scattered flowers and rubber wheels turning on the ground to my right. i sighed contently, closing my eyes. killua's presence itself fulfilled me.

"someone's happy," killua said, looking down at my face as he laid down right adjacent to me. i just hummed, nudging my head into his shoulder.

suddenly, killua flipped over and got on top of me.

"ah!!" i yelped at his sudden movement and opened my eyes. i blushed, confused.

i then bursted out cackling as killua tickled my sides profusely.

"hahahaha!!! stop it!" i begged. "no way!" the white-haired boy laughed menacingly, tickling me everywhere. killua knew all my tickle spots. i kicked my knee up at the feeling of being tickled. i couldn't stop laughing and squealing, and killua wouldn't stop tickling me.

just as killua stopped tickling me and covered his hands over his member, i realized i knocked him in his jingle bells. killua fell over to my left, wailing in pain.

"killuaa," i said, concerned. i immediately felt bad, knowing how bad that probably hurt. "i'm so sorryyy," i apologized, rubbing circles on his back with my palm.


after our tickling fight and the incident, killua and i sat and talked about our nerves for tomorrow.

"yeah, i have no idea why my mom decided to enroll me in a different high school than you," killua ranted, "after going to the same school for our whole lives. she didn't even change her mind after i begged her!" he fumed.

"i know," i agreed, "i don't understand either. why is she like this?" i complained.

"yeah, i'm seriously pissed though," killua added a few minutes later.

"i'm sorry killua..." i said. i was sad we weren't going to be together for high school.

"why are you apologizing, gon?" killua looked at me, i looked back.

"i don't know, i just feel bad...that you have to deal with your mom being so bipolar all the time."

"don't apologize, gon. if anything, it's not your fault. i'm used to it, it happens all the time. i'm like ten times more upset that we won't be at the same school together.."

"me too. it'll be a lot to get used to." i sighed.


killua's POV

"hey, killua?" gon asked, turning to face me. "hmm?"i hummed, doing the same.

"you're not gonna forget about me, right?" he said like a sad puppy. my expression changed from neutral to a little sad to think that he was thinking so negatively.

"gon, of course not."

the tan boy's eyebrows lifted in more relief, as if he was a puppy whose ears perked up. "nothing could ever cause me to forget about you, gon freecs, my best friend in the entire universe. i think about you all the time. i could never and will never forget about you." i assured him, cupping his warm cheeks and beaming back at my best friend.

gon immediately hugged me, and i could tell he was really sad that we weren't gonna be at the same school. i felt the same way that he did.

i rubbed the back of his head with one of my hand and embraced him with the other. the hug was warm, and long, yet not awkward. barely anything was ever awkward between us, i mean, we literally tell each other everything.

except, i'm hiding one thing from him; i have feelings for gon.

"killua, my best friend in the whole entire world that i love very much," gon sniffled, pulling away from the hug, arms still around me. "gon, my best friend in the whole entire world that i love even more," i smiled, tilting my head down a bit.

he took a deep breath, before asking, "promise that we'll still meet here all the time, that we'll still text and facetime everday, updating each other on what happened at our new schools, and promise that we'll still bike over to each other's houses all the time?" gon seeked, smiling softly with tears forming in his eyes.

"gon, i—of course," i stuttered, shocked. i didn't realize how much things will really change until gon said that. i was choked up, tearing up just as much as the brown eyed boy beside me was.


"i promise, gon," i said, wiping his tears off his cheeks with my thumbs.

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