sweet revenge

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let's get straight to the point, my vocabulary rn is shit and i temporarily am dumb


Amane Yugi, the eldest son of a dangerous gang. Mercilessly killing those who were in the wrong, even in the slightest. Everyone hates him, hates him with all their guts, including Nene.

To her, he's a devil who crawled out of hell. Killing her beloved father for just one simple mistake. She had to avenge him. To ease off her build up anger over the years.

"Revenge, huh. Well you can't easily kill of that murderer considering all of his senses are sharp. Instead," her uncle leaned closer and whispered to her ear. "Make him vulnerable and weak for you, make him fall for you, head over heels for you. Then leave after a year. And once he's in a weak state looking for you, we'll strike."

What a stupid plan.

But it might work.

As much as she wanted to gnaw him to shreds and make her hands dirty, she can't. She would be mutilated before she could touch him. And the revenge she had always been yearning for would all go to waste.

Maybe her uncle's stupid, after all. Creating such a plan that she oh so badly wanted to puke.

She had no choice but to follow the plan.

But first, she'll change her last name as to not let anyone know that she's related to her father.


"Yoshida Nene. You have officially wrapped me around your fingers, please marry me." ...did she hear that right?

Him? Wanting to marry her?

I mean, it's a good thing that he finally fell in love with her!

But that fast? She barely even saw him the moment she got accepted to this gang. It has only been 2 months since she joined.

"Sir.. I-" she clenched her hands, her heart thumped rapidly as she exhaled. "I would love to. But I'm afraid I'm not ready to be your wife yet. I still need to train more to be of use for you."

Amane shook his head, leaning close to her and caresses her cheek. Such action startled her that she involuntarily flinch. "You don't need to be useful because of me," he smiled so sweetly, it angered her even more. "I can wait for you, even if it takes a hundred years or eternity."

Nene nodded. "Well, I gotta go back to my room now, sir."

"Call me by my first name." She looked back at him. "I want to hear you say it."

She puts on a fake smile. "Alright, Amane-kun." And just like that, she left.

Once out of his sight, her smile dropped as her face turned into a scowl. She never knew she could be this pissed when he falls in love with her. The audacity to even fall in love with the daughter of the man you had killed.

Fuck him. She's really gonna rip him off.


The past few days were hellish.

Amane became more and more clingier as the days pass by. He can't even let her out of his sight. Sharing private quarters were especially the worst, his arms wrapped around her waist protectively, constant inappropriate touching, and breathing in her scent.

Eating meals with him was okay, at least he's quiet.

Receiving gifts from him was a pain. The gifts were all gold. And she felt no gratitude. She'll sell them later.

"Love, can we get married?" Now she felt a headache coming up.

"I told you I'm not ready yet, Amane-kun." She felt his arms around her waist again, pulling her close as her back presses against his chest.

"Yeah.. But I'm already thinking about our kids. I wonder how they look like." He kissed her head, caressing some of her soft hair in his hands. "Don't you thi-"

"Amane-kun." Nene looked at him with a scary expression. "Please don't bring this up ever again without my permission, I'm very uncomfortable right now."

Amane was stunned for a moment before nodding. "Woah, I'm turned on."

(A year later)

Bangs echoed around the bloody room, bodies being dropped creating a thudding sound as the men in the room tried their best to calm down.

"Where is she?" He said lowly, making the temperature of the room suddenly drop. "Where is my woman?"

Nobody dared to say a word, nobody dared to move a single inch.

"I asked you all a fucking question," he glared, amber eyes glowing with annoyance and something else. "Where is my woman?"

They all gulped, one raised a hand.

"She.. She escaped, sir." A single shot in the head, dead.

While Amane was stressing out, Nene was drinking, finally relieved that she was finally free.

But wait.

She hasn't killed him yet.


She'll wait until he breaks.


"My love.." After months and months of him searching desperately for the love of his life, she came back. In front of him, alive. Smiling.

Standing in the dark, of the garden of his. She looked so beautiful. Wearing that red dress. Is he actually hallucinating?

The dark bags under his eyes said so.

Walking turns into running.

Running turns into sprinting.

Sprinting turns into flying like a fucking airpla

He desperately wanted to hug her and be with her. Smell her scent he dearly missed for the past few months of not seeing her. He needed to touch her, feel her, see if she's actually real.

He didn't care.

He always didn't.

He doesn't care about the knife that is being stabbed at his stomach right now.

He doesn't care about the people running towards him with weapons and hatred in their eyes.

He just needed to feel her.

His hand finally touch her face.

She's real.

She's real, she's real, she's real, she's really real.

He didn't feel the blood dripping from his mouth.

She's smiling.

He smiled back.

"Go to hell, you bastard."

Her skin was the last time he touched.

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