chapter 4

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ok so I'm doing the little ~pride month~ chapter on my other book "the hell I've created" because I wanted to showcase to everybody it won't be ""part"" of the story kind of a special thing c: with everybody it will take me a while to do it so I don't know when it will be out but ill say soon xD ill be working on this for a bit while I'm also working on that 

but yea besides that ..that's all ^^ not we can get onto the chapter >:3 I just love leaving you guys on cliffhangers it's so fun but I also hate it because... I want to see what happens to even though I'm writing it 

so let's get on you know the rundown so I won't spend the extra time to type it out 

let's get onto the show ~


Ray: *he shot to quick eyes wide open and red as veins popped like crazy his body was covered in them as in a blink of an eye he grabbed the phone* 

melody:! *the smaller male back away slowly shaking* r-ray...

ray:...*he turn his attention towards the phone and spoke in.. such a deep and demanding stern voice it brought chills down both melody and the other person on the phones spines* leave him alone you lost your chance...maybe next time darling~ *he slams his finger on the end call button as he quickly blocks the number and tosses the phone to the nightstand laying back down almost instantly*

melody:....*his eyes dark over to the door as his expression changed from shock to ..well disappointment and sadness his stomach turned and twist as he whine silently* ...

ray: what are you complaining about ..? *he sounded more pissed than he was scared melody badly* 

melody:..i-i...i...I'm ... I'm going to sleep ..downstairs..

ray:...I'm sorry I didn't mean to sc- *his body jolts forwards as he starts coughing and wheezing violently* 

melody: ! R-Ray! *he roll him over and grabs a glass of water from the nightstand and try slowly pour the liquid into rays mouth* 

ray: *he starts coughing up the water as he gasp for air*

melody: ....! *he'd put the cup away as he turn him around and rub his back and neck gently* ...p-please work...

ray:...*his coughing slowly come to a stop as his breathing was still a bit jagged* ...

melody: ..*he massage his back* good now..?

ray:....y-yea..*his voice was soft yet hurt*

melody:i-i didn't mean ...

ray:...i-its f-f-fine ..j-just please don't leave...


*after a bit they both calm down melody sorta forgot about the phone thing but still wondered why ray was so frightened and tried to stop him from talking to that person ...ray was a bit uptight though just a bit he didn't wanna be alone and was scared that melody starts questioning him but he didn't surprisingly *

melody:...ray..who was that..

*fuck well I guess that went south*

ray:! i-i-i....its s-somebody that's... dangerous ....they hurt you in the past and I feared you die if they tried to do it again ...or if it happens again ...

melody: oh.. thank you for telling me... *he smile it was a ..soft smile*

ray:..yea... your welcome...

*they lay there in silence a bit until...*

ray:...have....have I ever told you I love you...

melody: no? ..why 

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