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It's been two weeks. And let me say an amazing two weeks. Harry healed successfully and he agreed to sue Jeremy. We went to the police station yesterday and we had enough evidence to get Jeremy arrested. Harry was so happy and cheerful, I've never seen him like this. He got more confident and just brighter. My love for him is only growing. He also wants to visit a shrink. After all he's been through, I understand and I offered to pay for him. At first he declined and said that he wanted to pay for himself once he has a job and all, but when i Insisted, he accepted his defeat. Today is his first session and I can feel the nervousness radiating off of him. We were sitting on the waiting room, waiting for Harry's turn. I turn on my seat to him and grab his hands. ''It's going to be okay, love.'' I say.

''I know, I'm just... I don't know what to expect.'' He answers me. I smile and him and kiss his forehead. ''Don't think too much, everything's going to be okay and I' there, right?'' He nods and soon Harry's name is called. I took his hand in mine and we walk behind the tall woman who is leading us to the office where Harry's intake is going to take place. He squeeze his hand in mine to assure him it's going to be totally okay. Before we step into the office, I take him in my arms and hug him tightly. ''It's okay to let it out.'' I say before we both step inside and the session starts.


''Harry, you were so great!'' I say to Harry as we walk out of the building after Harry's session with the shrink. ''I'm so proud of you.'' We walk down the street, both wearing sunglasses to make sure no one recognises me and to make sure Harry doesn't get noticed to easily. I don't want the whole internet to explode tomorrow about us. Harry doesn't need that stress and weight on his shoulders now.

''You really think so?'' Harry asked quietly from beside me. We walk into a park and I sit us down on a bench close to the lake on a hill, having a beautiful over the rest of the park. ''Harry...'' I trail off. I turn to him and take of his sunglasses, seeing tears on the brim of his eyes. I sigh and wipe them away, before they could fall. ''I do think so. You are great, not only because the session went so well, but also because of you. Are an amazing boy, so sweet, beautiful and selfless.''

''You think I'm pretty?'' Harry asked confused.

''Uhm, yeah. I- I uhm... Have so for a while now... I think.'' I say awkwardly, scratching the back of my head, not knowing what to do now. I didn't to say that. Although I do think so about Harry and I do hide my feelings for him, I didn't want to say that just yet. ''Listen Harry...'' I'm not going to beat around the bush now. ''I like you, more than in a friendly way, and- and I know it may be a little too soon but I- I think you deserve to know...'' I say. Harry looks at me shocked.

''I uhm...''

''You don't have to say anything Harry, I just wanted you to know.''

''No, Louis, I- I- I think I like you too.'' Harry says quietly. ''What?'' I ask surprised. ''You do?'' A smile breaks out on my face when Harry nods, confirming it. I laugh happily and before I know it, I grab Harry face and smack my lips onto his. His eyes widen in surprise but he does kiss me back as eagerly. When we break apart, we stare at each other for a moment before I say something I really do mean.

''I love you...''

We sit there at the bench for hours and hours until the stars start to show themselves. I stare up and admire them when holding hands.

''Hey Lou?''


''I love you, too.''


What the actual fuck did I just do...

I'm done.

This is the end.

I know it's shittyyy

I'm just gonna end this here, because I have so many other ideas for stories that I want to share.

Thank you so much for reading and the support you've given me.

Check out my other books and have a great life!


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