Ep 39: Lyall's Past

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While I basked myself in the glorious feeling of knowing that my love was reciprocated, my parents were caught off guard by Miranda, who had sought dark magic secretly. She murdered them while they were asleep in each other's arms.

Miranda bribed the chef to put drugs on their food so they couldn't fight back. The drugs made them lose their ability to transform and restrict their senses, too.

On top of that, Mother was pregnant with my baby sister. It was a difficult pregnancy, one that cost her a lot of life energy. So, Father and Mother were in a state of total exhaustion. Yet Miranda still cowardly used drugs to weaken them even more.

I could only hope that she killed them quickly, without pain. But that is unlikely.

Because when the news spread about the murder, I raced with Adina to my parent's bedroom. The scene I saw... was the most horrifying and to this day, it is still one of the most terrifying and traumatizing things I have ever seen.

My legs froze on the spot as soon as I open the door. Blood had painted the entire room, on the ceilings, the walls, and on the furniture. Both of my parents' bodies still lay side by side on the bed. Their faces weren't recognizable and their bodies had been mangled...

I threw up first before I cried out in anguish. The feeling of losing everyone you loved at one dreadful time is like having someone rip open my ribcages, tear my heart to pieces, sew them back on, and then burn it to ashes.

My shock and sadness caused me to freeze on the spot. Even when Miranda emerged from the shadows and mocked me, I couldn't win against her. Perhaps I didn't want to.

Perhaps I wished Miranda would take my soul too, so I could join the rest of my family.

Miranda put me in the dungeon to torture me, to give me a slow death. I took all the blows, the burns, the scars, and the bruises. She kept trying to make me wail in despair, to beg for mercy to her. But I kept my face passive, save for some cries of hurt at times. I kept myself numb.

"I hate that face so much," Miranda once said to me, "It reminds me of your father. The face of a coward who couldn't tell his rightful wife in the face, that he's replacing her, so instead he just plays dumb and acts cold around her. Every day, he grew cold to me. His love for me had turned into stone when I did everything to get him to the throne!"

"Seeing how crazy you are now," I said with so much effort, "Father was right to choose Mother–"

She whipped me until I passed out that night. When I opened my eyes, I realized she had healed my skin and bones, only to whip me until my arm almost fell off completely. Then she healed me again, but not enough that I could lift my head. It was just enough so I could sleep, and when I would wake up the next day, she would be ready with other means of torture.

That night, however, Adina, with the help of Athena, led her family's army to save me. She shared with me her power so I could change into my lycan form and avenge my family.

I could only see red that day. Nothing could stop me until I had Miranda's heart in the palms of my hand. I only needed to pull her heart out and let Miranda bleed to death to end that nightmare.

"Pull this heart out and you'll live your entire life not knowing what love is," Miranda said with an eerie, evil grin. Blood trailed down from her lips and her eyes were getting heavy because of all the blood loss. "I, Miranda Lockehart, curse you, Lyall Nightwind, to turn into stone just like how your father was to me. Your feelings and emotions will become void, your face will be expressionless, and at last, your body will become a statue. Live a life of no empathy, no laughter, and no joy."

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