Awarkward Awakenings

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My eyes slowly creaked open; with the blinding
white lights obscuring my vision. I shield my eyes with my hands, pondering in confusion as I lay. Then, a glass cover started to slowly remove itself off this tomb bed. What awaited me was a white, almost vacant room. Many chambers were crowded along the walls, with some having people. There was a paper posted beside - what looked to be - a sleeping chamber. I ripped the paper off and began to read it. As I read on, I began to remember more and more about what was happening. There was a clock on the white walls above a steel door. It read 8:20 AM. I began to rush towards the closest and picked out the sandpaper yellow and navy blue commander's outfit and dull red, blue, and black commander cap with a little name tag reading "L.T. Abbey." I quickly walked to the entrance and turned on a door monitor named 'Mini Mother'; it produced its booting procedure before speaking.

"Welcome to the F24 Expedition. Please state your name, job, and current plan," The monitor stated.

It took me a moment to gather my thoughts and speak. "Hello, 'mini mother.'" I spit out of my reluctant vocal cords. "This is Leverett Tressa Abbey, my job is the 3rd In Command, and the current plan is.." I peered at the note. "To leave planet Calys. And return back to Earth with the new substances."

The monitor began to process the information, then spoke again, "Welcome back, Tri-Captain Abbey. It's an honor to work with you once more..."

The monitor gave an awkward pause before releasing me from the 'Sleeping Chambers.' What welcomed me was the white and blue neon hallways that seemingly go on for forever. I went to the space layout beside my bedroom door and analyzed it. This subway map was overly complicated for its own good. After a solid three minutes of staring at some poorly drawn map, I decided to make my way towards the cafeteria. This maze of a spaceship was very eyesoring. The lights were basically burning through my chestnut pupils. The windows were also very glaringly odd. They were 16 inches long and eight inches wide. They also revealed the purplish black void of space. The butterflies started to release themselves out into my stomach as I quickly moved along from the head twisting sight.

After seemingly hours of wandering through various doorways, machines and layouts, I would finally make it to the cafe. Without batting an eye, I proceeded to the lunch line only to see icky munk served in silver trays and with a black plastic spoon. It looked like mashed potatoes with different colored dye.

"Ugh.." I groaned. "Even in 2414, they can't bother giving us some actual food.." I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed a tray and just threw the 'food' onto it. There were some milk cartons near the end of the line so I nabbed a few of them.

"Oh, it's a new guy here," A voice spoke behind me.

I got startled from the voice - dropping one of the cartons - and turned around to see who it was. Turns out, there were three people eating at one of the tables.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Ms. Commander," He said with a smirk plastered on his face. "I didn't think that would give you such a scare."

I already got annoyed with this guy. But I remained calm just to spite him and look more responsible.

"Hm, apologies accepted," I said passive aggressively.

I picked up the carton and went over the table, making sure to sit away from the person. That's when I noticed the name tags on the crewmates. There was Isaac Sherwin, the annoying manchild who had a slim and a five foot, seven inch peach body with his light brown wavy hair, swept to the side. His large, shifty greenish blue eyes scanning his worn out blue and white Royces Baseball cap. He was wearing dirty blue overalls, black gloves and a black and yellow striped shirt. He looked like a teenager. And then there was Albert Letif Homles; looking the skinniest and tallest out of all of us. Standing at six foot, one inch and looking to be about 100 pounds. He had a long, clean lab coat and beige pants, contrasting with his dark black shoes. He had slicked back hair that matched his shoe color. His skin looked like coffee and had observant and sensitive blue eyes. Lastly, there was officer Roger Scotland; standing at about five foot, six inches and having the most muscular body out of any of us combined. His wavy, dirty blonde hair and his strong brown eyes stole the show. He looked quite old, somewhere in his late 40's give or or take. Surprising he looks as well as he does. His outfit isn't anything special though. It's just the normal police uniform.

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