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Warlington cove is a small town, practically in the middle of nowhere. Hope felt back at home every summer she came to visit her father. Sure, she loved living in New York with her mother, but her friends are here, her childhood home and of course, her beloved father.

Her and her father had always been close, even after her parents divorced when she was 10 and her mother decided to pack up and move as far away from here as possible, Hope never lost touch with her father. Every night at 8pm he'd call her, ask how her day was, how school was going and most importantly to remind her how much he loved her.

If Hope was given the choice back then, she would've stayed with her father, but her mother was never one to reason with.

The familiar smell of the house made her feel like a kid all over again, every time she visited. She knew this year would be different now her father had a new partner, but she didn't mind. In Fact she was glad he wasn't in this bigi house alone anymore.

"It's okay if you don't like it. I just feel like every summer you're here staying in the same room you've had since you were 8. And i remember you said you liked purple so i-"

"It's perfect, Dad. Thank you. You really didn't have to do this" she says before pulling him in for a tight hug. He really went the whole nine yards re-decorating this room for her. The once bright pink walls were now a light lavender color. The old princess bed was now a double bed with white sheets along with all her old teddies sitting perfectly lined up in front of the pillows. All her old furniture was replaced and a picture of her and Wanda was sat on her bedside table.

All her old records are hung up on the wall as well as old pictures and posters. He really went the whole nine yards with this.

"Well i wanted to, plus my girl's eighteen now. You deserve it. I had some help" He smiles as his cheeks begin to blush.

"That help you got named Sarah by any chance?" she chuckles before dumping her suitcase onto the bed. It was heavy, she definitely over packed this time, not like her

"Yes, and her son helped out a lot too, actually"

"Sarah has a son?" she asks. Her father had been very secretive about this woman, Hope only knew her name. She had no idea what she looked like.

"Yeah, he goes to collage at Stanford so He's only been down between trimesters. Nice kid tho. I think he's gonna stay for the summer too. That's okay with you, right?" Hope's face drops, she knew her father was loved up, but this was their summer. Once a year she got to spend time with her dad but now they're living there? Why did he not mention this before?

"Wait, Sarah's living here?" she asks, trying her best to keep her tone softly. She's not angry, just mainly shocked.

"Not officially, she's still trying to sell her house so she's back and fourth. Hope if you're not okay with this she doesn't have to be here all summer" he stammers and she instantly feels bad, it makes sense why her dad never mentioned it until now. She was a lot like her father, more than she'd ever admit. They'd both prefer to avoid a situation than face it and have to deal with the outcome, And lord did Michal hate disappointing his daughter.

"No Dad, it's okay. I just didn't expect it, that's all" she gives him a reassuring tap on the shoulder as his face softens up a bit.

"I should've mentioned it, s'pose i was just scared you'd not wanna stay the summer if you knew"

"Are you crazy? i look forward to coming home every year. plus, I'm excited to meet her, you seem happy and that's all that matters" she smiles. God she hopes this woman is nothing like her mother, or she'll be in for a hell of a summer.

"Thanks pumpkin, when she's back in town, i'm exited for you to meet her, i think you'll really get along. I would've had no idea where to even start decorating this place if she didn't help out" he says as he takes a seat at the bottom of the bed.

"well, she did a good job" Hope beamed before playfully punching her father in the arm as she walks past. she reaches for her phone noticing 2 messages from Wanda.

I can see your jeep from my window, that thing looks more beat up than the last time i saw it, and that's saying something

anyway, come see mee

"uh Dad, i'm gonna go over to the maximoff's for an hour. Wanda's very impenitent to see me" she chuckles before putting her phone in her back pocket.

"doesn't sound like her" he says sarcastically before getting up from the bed "i'm glad you're back"

"yeah, me too dad"

She makes her way down the street to the maximoff residence. Wanda only live's 3 houses down, They've been friends for as long as hope can remember, everyday they walked to school together, and back of Corse. Hope spent most of her time in the Maximoff's growing up. Her parents wouldn't see her for weeks at a time sometimes. She loved spending time there, Wanda's parents are very hippy, they considered Hope as a second daughter.

Hope only manages to knock the door once before wanda bursts out the door and charging at hope for a hug so fast she almost fall's on her ass. "ah im so happy to see you" she yelps keeping her in the tightest hug she's ever recived.

Hope chuckles "iv'e missed you too wands"

"god i feel like i haven't seen you in ages" they make their way into the house as the strong smell of weed hits her instantly. She loves it, anytime she smells weed it reminds her of wanda's house.

"so have you met your dad's lady yet?" she asks.

"iv'e barley been back for 20 minutes yet before you harassed me to come over over" Hope jokes. the pair take a seat on the red couch.

Wanda roll's her eyes before grabbing a metal tin from her bag and begins rolling a joint. Hope narrow's her eyes at her.

"it's tradition, my bestfriend is back. we must celebrate" she winks as she taps the weed from the grinder into the skins

"where's pietro?" Hope asks as she leans back, making herself comfortable on the couch.

"He went with my parent's the the beach house for the weekend.he was gonna stay for the week till i told him you where coming home"

Hope blushes a bit. She's known Pietro all her life, and up until last summer he was always just Wanda's annoying twin brother, one thing led to another and they were a thing for a while before deciding it wasn't worth ruining their friendship for. Wanda was disappointed, to say the least. She loved the idea of having Hope as her future sister in law, but she understood. The three where just glad thing's wasn't awkward.

"awh, I'm looking forward to seeing him" she smiles.

"yeah, i bet you are" wanda says as she wiggles her eyebrows. Hope lightly nudges her as wanda licks the skin of the joint causing her to almost drop it. "gross wanda, that's you're brother"

"hey, watch the joint you bitch" she yells before kicking hope in the leg.


"Oh we're going to then lake tomorrow with peter and Mj. I'm so glad you're back because i cannot go a single day with third wheeling with them two. Makes me feel bard"

"ah it was inevitable, wands. He's liked Mj since we we're kids" Wanda finishes rolling the joint as she lights it and taking a long puff.

"Nice step brother you've got" she passes the joint over to hope.

"you've met him?" she asks

"No, i saw him with you'r dad a few months ago. He's hot"

"Gross. that's just-no" Hope takes a few more puff's before passing the joint back to Wanda, she can feel it already. There's no weed out there quite like Wanda's.

"Trust me"

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