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As a new day started, all the boys were in class waiting for the teacher to hand out the paperwork. "This is counted for a grade, so no cheating." She said and looked at Jeonghan who rose a brow. "You act like I cheat on everything." He mumbled before hearing Jisoo laugh a little behind him.

"Detention." She told Jisoo who rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Oh well, not the first time." He mumbled as Jeonghan tried not to laugh but failed miserably. "Jeonghan, detention." She said before going back to her desk.

Once school had finished, Jisoo and Jeonghan stayed back as they had detention to do. "You two can either clean the classroom or can just sit there and do nothing." The teacher said as she grabbed a couple of things.

"But since you two decided to be disrespectful, you guys can clean the classroom." She smiled making the two boys roll their eyes. "I'll be back in an hour, this classroom better be clean." Then she left the room, leaving the two omegas to start cleaning the classroom.

"All because we laughed." Jisoo mumbled as he grabbed a rag and bucket. "I mean it's not our first time either." Jeonghan said making his best friend nod in agreement. As they continued to clean the classroom, the door opened showing Seungcheol there.

Jeonghan smiled before remembering he hadn't told his friends about him dating the prince alpha of the school. "Let me guess, you two are dating?" Jisoo asked as he placed down the rag he was holding. The older omega blushed as his best friend had figured it out. "Freaking knew it." He said and shrugged.

"You better treat him right or I'm punching you." Jisoo said to Seungcheol who nodded as he did not want to be hurt the younger. "Where's the teacher?" The alpha asked walking up to the two others. "No idea, she said she'll be back in an hour." Jeonghan responded as he accidentally dropped the bucket of water.

"Fucking shit." He mumbled as he also got his shoes wet. "Welp...there goes my life." Jisoo shook his head and immediately helped the older with cleaning it up. Seungcheol also helped as he didn't want to be standing there. Once they managed to clean it up, Jeonghan sighed.

The alpha looked at the two omegas and noticed how tired they were. "Oh shit." Jisoo mumbled as the teacher came back. "Seungcheol why are you here?" She asked setting her stuff down. "I forgot my phone." He lied as he grabbed Jeonghan's. "Hm, well then...you boys may leave." She told them and soon all three left once the two omegas put the stuff away.

As they left the room, Seungcheol handed his boyfriend his phone. "I'll let you two be, as I am in deep shit for not telling Johnny and the others." Jeonghan shook his head as he grabbed his phone and texted his friends. "Cheol will joins tomorrow." Jisoo laughed before nodding.

Jihoon sighed in frustration as he couldn't find his music sheets that needed. "I'm going to kill whoever took them." He muttered as he looked inside his desk to find them. "You okay?" Wonwoo asked as he entered the music room. "My music sheets are missing." The shorter said as he continued to make a mess.

The taller rolled his eyes as he grabbed a couple of sheets that were on laying on a table. "You mean these ones?" Jihoon looked up and groaned as he completely missed them. "Ji, you need to take a break." Wonwoo told him as he put the sheets down and picked up the mess that the shorter had made.

"I don't need a break." He mumbled as he also helped with the mess he made. "You need it and that's final." Jihoon groaned as he didn't want to take a break. All he wanted to do was finish up the project he needed to do for a couple of juniors who kept asking him repeatedly. "But if I don't finish this project, the juniors will bother me." He said putting things away.

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