Veronica Ginevra Vann
Name | veronica ginevra vann
Age | nineteen
Birthday | feb. 14
Zodiac Sign | aquarius
Gender | cisgender female
Sexuality | bisexual
Ethnicity | Spanish
Face Shape | heart/v-shape
Eye Color | amber; glows different hues based upon her emotions
Eye Shape | round
Lips Shape | round
Nose Shape | button-nose
Skin Type | tan, creamy and devoid of blemishes
Hairstyle | wavy
Hair Color | she alters it often; usually black, blonde or brown
Body Type | slender, hourglass
Height | 5'4"
Weight | 103 lbs
Clothing Style | lavish, royal
Personality | soft-spoken; seductive, though not consciously.
Positive Traits | intelligent, seductive, loyal, understanding, creative, brave, kind-hearted, determined, hard-working.
Negative Traits | cynical, anxious, lacks self-confidence, stubborn, lonely, bores easily, impatient, impulsive.
Likes | adventures, sex, danger, dancing, singing, magic, being around other people, thrilling activities, swimming, traveling.
Dislikes | being alone, loneliness, disingenuous people, demons, dark magic/sorcerers, war, strict arrangements.
Mental Health | poor; thinks very lowly of herself, constantly self-conscious, compares herself to others in order to measure her own beauty/worth.
Physical Health | underweight - vaguely in-shape.
Phobias | claustrophobia, mysophobia, agoraphobia - greatly fears abandonment
Illnesses/Disorders | anorexia nervosa (refuses to confront it), ADHD
Hygiene | very good; she's extremely clean
Interests | magic, travel, adventuring, love
Professions | princess; enchantress