Chapter One

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      Evie slammed her hand down onto her alarm clock. Stopping the obnoxious beeping. "Evie hurry up or I'm making you take the bus!" Eddie yelled, Evie heard the jingle of keys and quickly jumped into pants. Falling onto the floor as she tripped over her shoes. "Ow son of a bitch." Eddie must have heard her because he instantly shot back. "Just because it's true doesn't make it nice!" Making her laugh as she pulled a shirt over her head. 

    She slipped on her shoes as she ran out of the house and climbed into the passenger side of Eddie's van. She laid her head back trying to catch her breath before she looked at the clock. "It's only 6:15 you dick!" Evie said, punching Eddie's shoulder. "Ow, how else was I supposed to get you out of the house?" He laughed, Evie simply rolled her eyes at Eddie before turning on the radio. Runaway by Bon Jovi came on the radio and Eddie turned it up.  Knowing it was Evie's favorite song from Bon Jovi. 

       Eddie drove slowly to the school, slowly smoking a cigarette with his window down. "You should give me a drag." Evie said looking intently at her brother, who inhaled the smoke wrong and was now choking on nothing. "What, absolutely not." He said and Evie rolled her eyes. "Why not?!" She asked as Eddie flicked the half cigarette out the window. "Because it could kill you." He said and she raised an eyebrow. "And it couldn't kill you?" She questions, Eddie sighed and looked at the road. "Admittedly little sis I care about your life more than my own so, I will kill myself with the smoking, ya." He said briefly looking from her to the road and back to her. "Got it?" He asked and Evie nodded. 

  She walked into school, keeping her head down and headphones on to not hear what everyone said about her. She already knew they called her a freak. They have since middle school, but around the end of last year, they started to call her other things. Not the typical slut or whore that most girls got, but they instead called her a fag. All because of Olivia Hamilton. 


  Olivia gave Evie a smirk as she leaned in and kissed her lips. "What was that?" Evie questioned as Olivia smiled. "A kiss silly." Olivia laughed and Evie smiled. 

The next day at school kids started to laugh and pointed at her. Olivia had spread all over the middle school that Evie had kissed her. The kids all called her a fag and even though she didn't fully understand what that word meant it hurt her deeply that Olivia had lied to the entire school. Evie ended up skipping the next week after that and every night Eddie would come home with Rocky Road ice cream to try and cheer her up. 


  She sat down next to none other than Max Mayfield. Even though Evie and Max had been sitting in the same seats all year.  They both found a way to not speak to one other. 

    "Shit." Max mumbled under her breath, it was so quiet that Evie did even hear her. Max then tapped on Evie's shoulder. "Do you have an extra pencil?" Evie nodded and quickly handed her a pencil, dropping it in the process when she bent down to grab it. She hit her head on the desk. "Fuck." Evie exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. Max chuckled a little and let a smile rest on her face. As Evie handed her the pencil. 

   The next period was the worst of the day. Most of the mean girls were in this class and the teacher was always late. "Hey, fag." Olivia said as she leaned on Evie's desk. " It's no wonder mommy and daddy left you." Carissa said Evie held her temper for the moment. Olivia was going to say something but the teacher walked. Olivia and Carissa took a seat at their desks and glared daggers at her like almost everyone else at this school. 

  Choosing to forget her encounter with Olivia and Carissa. She talks about her happy moments. "She asked for a pencil." Evie swooned as she climbed in the car with Eddie at the end of the day. "Wow." Eddie smiled. "And what you do?" He asked, Eve, rubbed the front of her head again. "Dropped the pencil and then hit my head on the desk." She said, looking into her lap. "But she laughed and smiled." She quickly added in hopes that would save her. "Well, at least you didn't freeze." Eddie said and nudged her. Evie just let a heavy sigh leave her lips and stared out the window. 

   When the two got home Eddie got a call from a client so he dropped her off, picked up some of his stash, and left. Leaving Evie to pick up the empty cans from her uncle and do the dishes. A big knife lay at the bottom of the sink unbeknownst to Evie as she reached her hand into the murky water and cut the palm of her hand, she started to curse immediately and started looking for the band-aid box as she healed a white towel in her hand so the blood didn't get on the floor.

    She couldn't find a bandage box anywhere that wasn't replaced with some kind of pills so she took a deep breath and sprinted over to Maxine's. 

     She knocked at the door and from inside she heard Max yell. "Ya, I'll get the door." In a sarcastic tone. Max opened the door and looked Evie up and down, noticing the blood-soaked towel. "Can I borrow a bandage?" She asked, Max, nodded and quickly pulled her through her house and into the bathroom. 

    "What happened?" Max questioned as she removed the towel from Evie's hand. "I was doing the dishes and...ow Fuck!" Evie exclaimed, cutting herself off. "Sorry, you were saying?" Evie blinked and shook her head quickly before continuing. "And I must have cut myself on a knife under the water." Max nodded as she listened, grabbed the Neosporin, and lightly dabbed it onto her hand once the blood had slightly started to form a scab. She wrapped the bandage around her hand three times and then tore it apart. 

  "They're all fixed." Max smiles at her work. "Thanks, max, I appreciate it." Max just nodded. "Of course, trailer park girls stick together." Max cringed at her own words but made Evie laugh so she didn't mind. 

What's Broken Must Be Fixed | Evie Munson X Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now