"Nah, they all hate me. Plus, it's better off this way. I'm better alone than with people." He said. I frowned and raised an eyebrow. He just shook his head.

"Anyway... where are you bringing me after school?" I asked him. I saw him smile and look at me.

"And why should I tell you?" He scoffed. I frown and put on my puppy eyes.

"Pleaseeee!" I begged him. He started laughing.

"That trick doesn't work on me. You will just have to wait and see for yourself." He said. I glared at him but after I few seconds I surrendered. I saw him slowly grow an evil grin. I raised an eyebrow, he smiled and put an arm around my shoulder.

"So why that grin Sykes?" I asked him.

"Well, I was wondering. How did your date with Luke go yesterday?" He asked. He didn't seem a hundred percent interested, it felt like he was annoyed about it. However a huge smile appeared on my face and I started to feel my cheeks burn. I covered my face with my hands as an attempt to hide the red.

"It was not a date Oliver." I said annoyed.

"Okay, first rule do not call me Oliver. Second rule don't lie to me. You just blushed, what happened?" He said a bit teasing me. I wasn't going to say anything.

"Nothing..." I said slowly. He glared at me. I gave him a smile and tilted my head trying to act innocent.

"Kathy... " He sounded annoyed.

"Fine. Well yesterday he took me to see a movie and rightbeforehelefthekissedme." I said the last part quickly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, can you repeat the last part please my dear." He said. Well, I guess I was going to have to tell him no matter what.

"He kissed me. Happy now?" I almost yelled. I felt his muscles tighten for a second but then they relaxed again. We had finally arrived to school and we were at the entrance.

"Well, I see... anyway we arrived to school and I don't want to arrive late so see you after school." He said and left. I didn't even have time to say see ya and he was gone. Well, that was weird. Maybe he was in a rush or something? I just shrugged and walked towards my first class.

** Oli's P.O.V. **

** After School **

I stood against the school wall waiting for Kathy. I can't believe it, he kissed her. Maybe I was wrong, maybe she does like him. I mean who wouldn't? He's popular, funny, nice, pretty much everything I'm not. I feel stupid for even thinking for a second that she could have ended up with me. She will just remain a friend. Well, at least that's something. I don't even have friends. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Kathy standing there smiling.

"Hey Oli, c'mon let's go." She said. I smiled at her and took her hand.

"Ok, however to arrive there we need to catch the bus so we'll wait over there." I told her as I walked and pointed towards the bus stop. She just nodded and followed me. God, she was so pretty. No wonder Luke was already after her. I would to but my self esteem is below zero. I felt her nudge me on the shoulder I turned around to see what she wanted.

"Will you now please tell me where we are going?" She asked, again. I shook my head fastly and smiled. I wasn't going to tell her anything until we arrived. I was going to take her to the tattoo shop I always go to. I remember about her talking about wanting to get some however she couldn't since her parents. I just hope she will be willing to do one today... In the mean time the bus arrived and we got on.

"Not even a hint?" She asked me pouting her lower lip. I started chuckling.

"Fine, however this is the only hint and from now on I won't say a word. It's something we talked about together." I said. She raised an eyebrow and looked confused.

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now