•chapter 3• first and last impressions

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Avery's pov
     I stepped into Penny's and an immediate smile landed on my face. It has been so long since i've been here yet its exactly the same. I head to the bar and give my card to Penny to open my tab and she greets me with a warm hug.
    I spot most everyone from this morning's class at the back pool table laughing so I make my way over. As I look up I feel someone's eyes on me. Rooster. I meet his gaze and he gives me a grin and a wink before turning his head to listen to Hangman tell a work story.
    Before I get to the back Phoenix intercepts me and pulls me aside. "Girl I know somethings up with you. Spill." She prys. I take a deep breath. Theres no hiding anything from her so I cave and pull her over to the bar and buy her another beer.
    "Its Bradley. I feel... guilty and" Before I can finish she interjects, "Turned on? Aroused?" I turn red and groan. "Phi, I'm serious." I continue, "I need to do something." She puts on a fake thinking face. "Hm.. mmm oh! I've got it! Sleep with him!" She says with a smirk, "Make him see how much he's really missed you since the last time we were here." A sour look appears on my face.
     The last time we were here.

Three years ago

My whole Top Gun graduating class sits at two tables pushed together at Penny's. We just got our assignments.
Mine is based in Hawaii and I'll be on the base's team of fighter pilots, meaning I will be regularly sent on missions near there and when I'm not away I'll be helping with air security.
Phoenix got her dream, she is based in Switzerland, where there is a large mechanical base, and is working by testing planes. She gets to fly planes around the globe regularly which means she might be able to sneak a few trips to my base.
Rooster has been sent to Florida to train to become a flight officer at a base near Fort Lauderdale. He will be in charge of flight operations at his base.
I watch the amber liquid spin around my cup and all I can think about is how Rooster will be alone. Everyone got what they wished for but him. Rooster. Alone. 9 to 5 but with nobody to come home to.
Well more like 6 to 5 but thats besides the point. I can see him coming home from a stressful day to an apartment which still has boxes still packed from months ago. My heart breaks a little.
All this does is prove my point. We can never really be together. Long distance doesn't work and I don't want us to have to breakup and end on bad terms.
    Bradley reached over and kissed me on the cheek. "Penny for your thoughts my love?"
"Hmm as much as I do love money I'm an open book." I give him a loving smile, "I'm thinking about the future and... whats to come of things."
     He looks at me with an assuring gaze and says, "I don't know what will happen tomorrow but I do know that right now I'm with you and nothing could be better."
     My heart warms at his caring words. I rest my head on his shoulder and he pulls me close. We sit like that for a few moments until Phoenix calls his name from across the bar.
     "This is important I'll be back in a bit." He says and squeezes my shoulders. "Okay I'll be at the pool table." I smile back.
     But, as I am starting a game of pool with Hangman I look over to where I saw Rooster go. Him and Phoenix are sitting at a small circle table in the corner. Rooster and her are huddled together and whispering with each other. Huddled together. Whispering with each other.
     Thats when my stomach drops. Rooster taps her arm and gets up with a smile. Until she grabs his hand. He turns to look at her and she pulls him closer to her and whispers something to him.
     He nods his head and walks off with a toothy grin on his face. A grin that I've only seen him wear a few times, the first time we kissed, graduation, and when we danced at the beach under the moonlight. But now, this grin belongs to Phoenix.
    As Rooster heads over to where we are I turn to Hangman. He gulps and it seems as if he saw exactly what I did. Hangman gives me a look as if to say 'sorry'.
     "You know what can we rematch next time? I'm not feeling too good after all those beers." I ask. "Sure, you're just too afraid to lose." He says in a snarky but somewhat sweet way.
     I slowly walk out to my car but as I pull the handle somebody grabs my shoulder. "Where are you going?" I hear Bradley ask. "Home okay?" His expression falls but then he takes in a deep breath.
     "Whats going on here Avery? Because tomorrow you leave and I- well," He continues, "I think I'm in love with you."
     My jaw literally drops and I stutter for a second. I'm leaving tomorrow.
    "Bradley. I'm leaving tomorrow! I've got my whole future right ahead of me! My dreams are coming true!" I say in an urgent tone. He looks down and drops my wrist.
     When he looks up his jaw is ticked and for a second he looks almost hurt. Until that look changes to anger.
     "Your future? Your dreams? I guess they won't include me then." He starts to turn away but stops. "I hope you have a good time. In Hawaii I mean." Thats when he walks away. "Bradley I-," He doesn't even pick his head up. He just puts his hands in his pocket and walks away.
    I just stand there dumbfounded. Lost in his thoughts. Until I see him go inside and walk straight to Phoenix. I get in my car and drive all the way home.
     I sit on my bed in utter disbelief. Rooster... loves me. Do I-? I don't finish my thought. Tomorrow I leave for Hawaii. My dreams are all here. My parents, my family... what would they think if I left my future behind for some boy?
    In my heart I hear a voice. Some boy? This isn't any boy. This is Bradley. This is Rooster. You love him! A tear slips down my cheek.
     Theres no going back now. I leave tomorrow. On a 4:30 flight to Honolulu. This is it. Somehow, I think this is worse than a breakup.

Avery's Current pov

     I give Phoenix a look. "Last time? Last time we were here?" I say in a harsh tone, "Last time you were macking on my boyfriend the whole time!" She looks at me with wide eyes.
     "What?" Is all she can say for a while, until she continues. "Last time, Rooster and I were planning a trip for him to visit YOU! In Hawaii!" She just about screams, "You thought- what?!?"
     I just stare at her. My eyes wide and my mouth open. "He- you- Hawaii-," I stutter, "You didn't tell me?" She gives me a hard glare and puts a finger on my chest.
     "You may be my best friend but Avery you broke his heart." She sighs, "I didn't tell you because I didn't think you'd want to hear it. You left without saying goodbye to either of us!"
     My heart breaks even more and my eyes water. "Phoenix I ended things because I was mad about you and him!" I whisper yell, " Phoenix I was confused!"
    We both look at each other with guilty faces. I have to do something. I- I broke his heart. Because of a misunderstanding? I feel sick to my stomach.
    We both take a second outside before going back in. I know I have to do something. Thats when I remember Rooster and I were supposed to talk earlier, but never got the chance.
    I decide though, that I should start things out easy since my emotions are already running so high. I don't want to make things worse.
   I sneak up behind Rooster and tap his shoulder. He spins around and a slow smirk grows on his face. "Now what do we have here?" He questions. "We have... a worthy opponent to the master of pool." I cheekily say.
    "What would it take to get a game against the almighty Rooster?" I ask and he shows a smile that I haven't seen in so long. "Hmm... what about twenty bucks and...," He considers this, "And whoever wins gets to talk first." He finished with a serious look.
   The talk. After this game. I figured he'd forgotten.
   "Well then... I guess you've got yourself a deal Rooster."


Word count: 1500 (exactly i know!)

Author's Note:
I'm so excited to get going on this! Don't be a stranger readers!!! Leave a vote and a comment about your favorite part or line! This is, yet another, midnight release! Hope you guys have a good weekend.


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