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Jungkook and Taehyung are lying in his bed, cuddling. They love to cuddle each other, the feeling of being close to each other... is beautiful. They've been doing it since they were children, feeling very comfortable around each other.

Jungkook's heart is beating so loud against his chest that he is afraid that Taehyung could hear it. And he is. Taehyung can feel Jungkook's heartbeat... but his heart is beating fast too – it does every time he is around Jungkook.

But even when they are so comfortable around each other, arguing can still happen – because Tae is sensitive to the topic of his sexuality.

"I told you I'm not comfortable in labelling me right now!", he says angrily, after Jungkook asked him /again/ what he identifies as.
"Tae, I think you're just afraid... but we are all supporting you, no matter what, especially me! I'm your best friend!", Jungkook assures him, but Taehyung just scoffs.
"Yeah, that's good coming from you! You're dating a girl even though I literally found gay porn on your phone!"
"What the fuck Taehyung?! That's none of your fucking business what I watch! And why were you even looking through my phone?! Oh and just so you know, bisexual people exist!"
"I wasn't looking through your phone, I saw it laying around unlocked. It's not my fault that you leave those videos opened on your phone! You know what, I don't wanna talk about it anymore, I'm done."

Jungkook scoffs and gets up to leave the room. He can't believe the fight he and Taehyung just had. They never fight, not about something stupid like this. He hates it, he really does.


Later that night.

Taehyung feels bad, he really does. But what else should have he done? He can't tell his best friend that... that he loves him. Taehyung never loved someone, never had a crush on someone – who wasn't Jungkook. Taehyung loves him with all he has, but he has a feeling that he destroyed everything tonight. 


Short chapter, next one is coming in 2 days! <3 I hope you enjoy!

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