Chapter 1 - The New School

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The bright morning sunlight shines through the window into my room. My long hair is a mess and all over the place. I manage to drag myself out of bed and go to brush my teeth. I soon finish, and head over to my closet to pick out an outfit. It's my first day at my new school, Westview High. I throw my hair in a messy bun, and pin back any bumps in the back that I know will bother me throughout the day. I walk out from my room into the hallway and see my brother finishing up something in the kitchen.

 I walk out from my room into the hallway and see my brother finishing up something in the kitchen

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well?" My brother asks as he hands me my lunch for today.

"I suppose," I say sleepily, grabbing the bag from him.

"Are you excited for your first day at your new school?" He asks as we make our way to the car.

"I'm a bit nervous. What if nobody likes me?"

"Eh, I don't really like you, but I put up with you. I'm sure that's what'll happen,"

"Oh. Well, I don't like you either, so I guess we're even,"

I've always hated school. I'm always bullied-that's why I transferred to Westview High School. I'm hoping people are nice there. My whole family died when I was at the ripe age of three minutes old in a tragic plane crash. Everyone but my brother. Not having parents is hard, but we manage to get by just fine. But.. that's not the reason I'm bullied. It's because I'm not like other girls, I'm different. They don't like me because I don't fit in with any of the crowds. I'm not popular, I don't do sports. I'm just.. basic. Maybe I'll find some friends here. I mean, hopefully.
My brother drops me off at the door once we arrive. Even though I'm turning 18 in only a few weeks, I've yet to earn my drivers license. He hasn't let me get the test, and though I've asked countless times to be able to drive, he's refused and brushed me off every time. He says our parents didn't want me to be able to drive, but I don't know how he'd remember something like that from so long ago-he was also very young when the crash happened.

When I walk into the cafeteria, I see and feel so many eyes looking at me. I put my head down to avoid any and all eye contact while walking to an empty table. I still see so many people staring as I sit down. I pull out my phone and scroll through social media to pass the time.

A few moments later, an older-looking woman walks up to me-I assume she's the principal. "Hello! You must be Y/N, I'm Mrs. Peterson. Please follow me," I turn off my phone and get up to walk with her. I feel so anxious with everyone looking at me, whispering to each other. They must be making fun of me-it's okay, I'm used to it. We make our way down the hall to her office. There's a boy sitting down when we get there. He stands up when he sees us walk in.

"Y/N, this is Jackson Wang. He's going to be showing you around today. I've made sure you two have the matching schedules so you know exactly where to go. He's been going here ever since he was in preschool, so he knows the place well," Mrs. Peterson says, introducing him.

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