Chapter 6 - Silent Jinxes

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"So he told you that you have more power than you thought...but not what it is? That's stupid," Ron said.

Cassia had returned to the common room, and she had just finished explaining everything Snape had told her.

"I know! I don't know what he wants from me," she sighed, leaning her head on the back of the sofa that she and Harry were sharing.

"I was wondering about the Ministry and their lack of contact," Hermione said. "How do they not know?"

"I don't know, it doesn't make any sense."

"That's probably why Voldemort said he wished he had got to meet you last year! I don't know how he would know, but if he does, he would want to try to use that power for himself!" Harry said.

"You're right!" Hermione said. "What if you're able to do magic that even he can't?"

"Woah, slow down," Cassia laughed. "I don't think it's that much. If, somehow, he does know, then maybe he would want to use it. But I'm definitely not more powerful than Voldemort, I'm not even sure I'd want to be. He's...pretty evil."

"True," Harry said.


The first week, though difficult for Harry, passed smoothly for Cassia. There weren't any more lessons with Snape, and she was doing well in all of her classes.

Despite this, she was still looking forward to the weekend. The quartet was planning on visiting Hagrid on Saturday morning.

Cassia was sitting in the common room, playing with Crow. Hermione was writing on a piece of parchment near her.

"Going to Hagrid's is a bust," Ron said, walking down the stairs from the boys' dormitories.

"Huh? Why?" Cassia asked.

"Harry's got Quidditch practice."

"Oh, lame. Do you guys want to go grab breakfast and sit in the stands?"

And so, they did. They brought toast and marmalade and made their way to the Quidditch stands, seeing the empty field.

The team filed out onto the field, and Harry approached where Ron, Hermione, and Cassia were sitting.

"Aren't you finished yet?" Ron called.

"Haven't even started," Harry said. "Wood's been teaching us new moves."

Harry mounted his broom and kicked himself off the ground, taking off into the air. Cassia watched as his messy hair whipped about in the cool air, and she noticed as he started racing Fred and George around the stadium.

There was a distant clicking noise, and Colin Creevey, the first year she saw yesterday, took pictures of Harry from one of the highest seats.

"This kind of sucks," Cassia said, chewing a piece of toast.

"Shut up, Cassia," Ron laughed. "This was your idea!"

"Not my problem," Cassia joked.

Suddenly, the team began to shoot towards the ground, causing the three of them to look down at the field. The Slytherin team was walking onto the field, broomsticks in hand.

"Hey, uh, we should go," Cassia said.

"Yes, we should," Hermione replied, looking determined.

They departed from the stands, making their way across the grass.

"What's happening?" Ron asked Harry. "Why aren't you playing? And what's he doing here?"

He pointed at Malfoy, and Cassia cringed involuntarily.

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