Yoongi needs help

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"How could you Yoongi?" You yelled your lungs out.

"What do you mean how? I did a perfectly fine job while kicking her out"

"No you didn't. I wanted to talk to her"

It so happened that while you and Jungkook were hanging out, Aera visited your house. After realizing that you were gone, she went to Yoongi's but was kicked out. Now, when you asked Yoongi about one valid reason on why he kicked her out, she said that Aera's face provoked him to do so.

"Where did she go?!" 

"You do not take me as her bodyguard right? Why would I follow her around?" He snickered.

"Yoongi! You are at fault for kicking her out. Go and find her for me" You massaged your forehead while scoffing.

"No" he flatly replied and ruffled holly's hair.


"do you know what she told me?"

"what" you snapped at him.

"She had to give you something and wouldnt go before finishing the job"

"and? you didnt let me met her. Besides, we already have settled our differences"

"oh shut up" he snapped while rolling his eyes.

"Yoongs, I'm serious. She even apologized"

"she did?" his pitch rose a bit.

"yes she did."

He hummed while trying to digest the fact that he was an asshole to her when she apologized. 

"so, when are you going to say sorry?" you crossed your arms and glared at him.

"i'll see...." his voice trailed off as you approached the door to exit.

"Better say sorry before she flies away to the states" you lowkey threatened him.

"she's going?" he almost jumped.

"Apparently" you causally slamed the door behind with Jungkook tugging at your shoulder.


In about 30 minutes, Aera rung the phone,

"hello?" You voiced, a bit perplexed.

"Yoongi apologized to me" she said in amusement.

"oh yeah, that, I told him to do that" 

"I mean-"

"He was just , you know being the typical older brother. Dont mind him, what did you have to give me anyways?"

"oh- nothing, I just wanted to talk to you but I did not say that since he would kick me out"

"right.....sorry" your eyes dropped.

"No, no it's fine, I understand, I would probably act the same" she reassured.

You remained silent for a while before making up your mind, "How about we meet up for coffee? My place"

"Oh great, perfectttt" you could feel her eyes getting lit up.

"Done, tmr evening?"

"Yes maam" she giggled before going off the line.

A heavy weight bore off your chest as you decided to forgive a person, only because she was genuinely sorry about that. Besides, you really enjoyed her company and it was a win-win.

You smiled to yourself while climbing up the stairs, the same moment, the bell rung.

It had to be him, you rushed down the stairs and opened the door, "kook" You flashed a bright smile.

"How did you know?"

"Who else would disturb me right after 10 minutes of goodbye?" you raised an eyebrow.

"I'm glad you're aware" he twirled you around for a good second before gently putting you down.

"What's up with the good mood?" You ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm just happy to see you" he bopped your nose as you couldnt help but smile at his cuteness. 

"Up for a movie?" he suggested while closing the door.

"always" you gave a pressed smile as he 'yipee -ed' off to the bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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