Arc 1: Schale Part 1

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Author Notes at the end.

Please read it if you could, thanks.

I do not own Blue Archive or Fate series.

Yeah, I decided to continue this fanfic.


It was late at night and Hina was already laying on her bed beside the sister called Miyu. She couldn't get a wink of sleep thinking about the incident that had happened today.

They had talked about the siblings' background and then had a dinner which was unwelcomed by the elder sibling which irked her a little bit.

In their little talk, she had heard something that she would only find in fairy tales. 'Magic was real' or Magecraft, the older sibling corrected her when she had inquired about the swords.

She stirred carefully under her blanket with a little sigh, not wanting to wake up the sister.

Hina then turned to Miyu who was still in deep sleep.

"She doesn't resemble her brother at all." She muttered quietly. "Must be pretty scary to be kidnapped by people who want to kill her."

At least that's what Shirou had told her, leaving out few important details like Miyu's wish granting power, Holy Grail War and the Servant Cards.

He told her that he had to slip into the organization's hideout to save Miyu and stalled time for her to escape. However, for some unknown reasons the two of them were transported into this world and after that she knew the rest of the story.

" least I know now that he didn't have any bad intent unless he was provoked first..." she turned to the other side of the bed then turned on her phone.

A lot of missed calls from her prefect team members especially Ako.

"Now, I wonder what should I tell them."

Hina opened one of MomoTalk chats, Ako's especially.

She read the really long chat detailing about the information her officer got from Vice President Rin who was the Acting President now since the President had gone missing.

The news surprised Hina a bit but then she continued to read the rest of the content, finding out that the Acting President had been looking for the two siblings ever since this morning.

Hina was worried whether she should tell Rin that the two were staying with her for the night or not. She shook her head. She needed to tell this to Shirou first, asking for his opinion if he wanted to see the General Student Council or not.

She knew that Shirou only wanted to protect his sister since they were being attacked and her instincts were telling her that they weren't bad person although he could be cold-blooded if he needed to.


A new chat notification from Ako came in.

"She must be checking her chats all the time..." she muttered.

Hina then tried to reply before multiple chats coming from Ako stormed her MomoTalk. She deadpanned at the phone's screen. The messages were about 'are you alright?' 'where are you?' 'please reply to me' etc.

Not wanting to deal such a hassle before she went to sleep, she decided to turn off her phone, hoping that she could get a rest before the morning come.


"Head Prefect Hina's typing!"

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