Chapter 2= Was this a Date? Part 1

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Your P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I can so I won't get caught. I secretly climbed up to my room, opened the window then closed it. "(Y/N), dinner time!" step-dad said, "I'm coming" I said.

I walked down the stairs, and sat on a chair Gideon came down mad as always, "Ice cream for me" he said grumpily. I didn't bother asking him what's the problem. I just kept on daydreaming about Dipper~♡, I suddenly snap out of it and started eating.

After eating I went to the shower then fell asleep.

●~~~~The Next Day~~~~●

I woke up early super excited! I felt... gleeful & excited!

I went down to get some bacon and eggs. It was delicious.

I did my daily routine quickly.

After doing it I went directly to the shack. But before leaving the house I got caught, "Where are you going young lady?" It was step-dad! "Umm... To the... Lake?..." I made a fake excuse, he gave me the death glare, I gulped, "Well have fun!" he said as he walked away.

●~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~●

I waited outside the Mystery Shack waiting for Dipper. He was so adorable... stop it (Y/N)! You just knew him. Your just friends.

Dipper's P.O.V.

I walked out of the shack then I saw (Y/N). Her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair... snap out of it Dips! "Are you ready?"(Y/N) asked. "Yeah let's go now".

On our way to the lake we talked about ourselves, until we were rudely interrupted, "Hey the Dipping Sauce- Hey is that a girl" "Well am I a boy?" she joked, "Hey Dipper, how come she looks like you?" "She's my twin sister Mabel" I stated.
"Oh ok..."

Your P.O.V.

Mabel... I heard of that name before. I snapped myself back to reality. Dipper and I started walking to the Park.

●~~~~Le Time Skip to the Park~~~~●

Still Your P.O.V.

Once we arrived at the park we found a perfect spot for our picnic. I prepared our snacks and drinks.

After eating Dipper started reading a Journal with six fingers and in the middle it had a number 3 in it.

"Hey we have the same book!" I showed Dipper a Journal exactly like it but with a 4 in it.

"Cool!" Dipper said, "Can I read it?" "Sure!" I gave him the book and he started reading.

A few minutes passed and he was still reading, I decided to play with him. "Tag! You're it!" I said while tagging him.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!" "You have to catch me!" I started running away. Luckily I am a super fast runner. I turned around and couldn't find Dipper anywhere. Then suddenly...

To be Continued...

Hehe, sorry had to stop it right there. Why you asked? It's because there's a part 2! Please don't kill me for taking quite a long time to update. Sorry! I will try to update everyday. Thanks for reading this book. Mkay Bai!


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