Chapter 26

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What was she thinking? Going to Skaro without anyone else, or me. "This is all my fault!" I moaned, leaning against the wall. "If I didn't ask for her to come -"
   "Hey-hey, you did the right thing bringing her here." Morgan told me calmly, walking into the room, the rest following behind him from checking out the scene.
   "Bringing her here -! Morgan, Cassandra is gone, was it really a good idea for me to bring her?" I exclaim.
   "Reid, now is not the time to panic, " Hotch told me seriously. "If you want to find her, calm down, and focus on what we have."
   "Okay, okay." I sighed, sitting down on a chair. "So, what do we have?"
   "The room doesn't show any type of struggle." JJ stated, rubbing my shoulder for comfort. Right now, I don't think the comfort will work.
   "Well, this is alien stuff. Who knows how it's done." Prentiss replied. They all turned to me. I frown at them, before a lightbulb went on inside my head.
   "What if she found the location and went to confront Skaro?" I suggest eagerly. "It explains why she was there - she found the location, knows it, and went to question him behind our backs!"
   "Okay, but what location made her confront him behind our backs?" Rossi asked to no one in particular.
   "Somewhere that makes her angry?" Hotch suggested, before turning to me. "What places would make her mad?"
   "Um, " I wrack through my brain, trying to remember places she hates. "There's Gallifrey, her home planet, but it's frozen, and missing - I'll tell you guys later. And then there's their number one enemy, Daleks, their home planet which is Skar-" I stop what I say, realising the answer.
"Named after the planet, Skaro."
"Reid?" JJ called out, seeing my horrified look.
   "Skaro." I breathed out.
   "What, the person we are looking for -?"
   "Skaro, the home planet of the Daleks." I explain, hopping out of the seat, running towards the door, the others hot on my heels.
   "Cassandra and person-Skaro is there? On the planet Skaro?" Morgan asked me, in step with me.
   "Only one way to find out." I murmured, heading towards a certain Time machine.
"How are we supposed to get in the TARDIS?" JJ asked me. We were all standing outside the TARDIS, just staring at it.
   "I have a key." I replied, revealing the key wrapped around my neck.
   "Why? Do you go in here regularly?" Prentiss asked me curiously.
   "No, not really." I admitted, opening the door for them, who eagerly walked in. "The last time was when we had a hangover, she gave me the nut to make us feel better."
   "Sheesh, and she didn't bother to give us any?" Morgan huffed, probably remembering back to when he had a massive headache at work.
   "So, you know how to work this thing?" Prentiss asked me, motioning to the room. The TARDIS made a groaning noise in protest at her words.
   "Her." I told them. "The TARDIS is a girl. She's offended that you called her a thing."
   "Oh. . ." Prentiss stated bewildered. "Sorry. . .TARDIS."
   "You'll get used to this weirdness." I waved off, heading towards the Alien Locator on the console. "It's a shame that Garcia is missing all this, though." I looked at the screen, seeing my theory was correct. "I was right," I murmured. "It is Skaro, the home planet of the Daleks."
   "But Skaro isn't a Dalek." Hotch pointed out, frowning. "Why would they be in Skaro?"

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