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I step in the car and see that Harry has fallen asleep. He looks so cute, with a slight pout in his plump lips and the tip of his nice a bit red. I take of my own sweater and cover the boy next to me with it when I see him shiver. Luckily I decided to put in a shirt beneath the sweater. I start the car and drive away from the mansion of the psycho. Seriously, that dude isn't right in his head. I place my hand on top of Harry's tight and brush my thumb over his bare skin.

I drive home and carry Harry inside our apartment. I place him on the couch and lie a blanket over him. "What happened?" I jump when I hear Liam behind me. I turn to face him and sigh softly. "That bitch found out about our plan. He read mine and Harry's chat. The psycho locked him up in the basement, all alone in the cold." I say. Liam nods and sits down on the recliner, quietly watching Harry. "He looks peaceful, aside from the newly formed bruises and shit."

"Yeah." I whispers and sit down at the end of the couch by Harry's feet; softly stroking his calf. "We know you have feelings for him." Liam then says. I turn my head to him and look at him surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Come on Lou! We see it everytime you look at him. We see it when you two are texting. You are constantly touching him, like you are now. Don't deny it. You know it yourself too."

"You're right." I sigh. "I do like him." I confess. I somewhere already knew I like him, but with everything going on, I didn't have the time to think about it. But looking at the angel lying beside me, I maybe can even say I love him.

Yeah, I do.

"You should know though... He's been through a lot from the things you've told us. If you are going to make a move, take it slowly."

"Yeah, I understand. Where are the others?" I face Liam again.

"They're out, Niall wanted Nandos again." He rolls his eyes. I chuckle and grab the remote to put on a movie.

"There are servants there." I say bluntly when the movie was about halfway through.


"Jeff or something has servants walking around his mansion who know what happened to Harry. Gerald, the gardener who helped me find Harry, said they wanted to testify if we're going to sue him."

"That's amazing!" Liam smiled happily.

"Yeah, this shit is surprisingly going easier than we thought."

𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙢 || 𝙡.𝙨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon