Ep3: First day does not end well

Start from the beginning

"Those two are very interesting..."

After both Gwen and Kendra made it their first class and introduced themselves, Kendra kept on messing with the Omnitrix.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" Gwen whispers at Kendra. "Are you seriously still messing with that. So help me, I'll chop that arm of yours off my self if you don't stop!" She slaps Kendra's arm. "Watch it!" Kendra says and glares at Gwen. Two rows infront of the two girls is a girl with blonde hair and green eyes looking at the two with curiosity in her eyes. Next to her is a boy average looking boy with brown and brown eyes. "What's with those two?" The blonde haired girl asks the boy next to her.

"I don't know but they're both going to be apart of my harem!" He says. After people looked at him with a disgusted look. "Huh, why's everyone looking at me for?"

He see's Gwen looking at him with a disgusted expression on her face while Kendra stared him down.

"H-hehe, hi?" He says nervously. The bell rings and he bolts out of the classroom.

"I'm going to kill his ass💢." Kendra says and gets up from her seat. "Don't do it," Gwen says. "He's not worth your time." Kendra relaxes and nods. A girl with brown hair wearing glasses walks up to the two girls.

"You two are Kendra and Gwen right?" The girl asks

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"You two are Kendra and Gwen right?" The girl asks. "Yes we are. Can we help you with something?" Gwen asks. "Nothing much, just wanted to introduce myself." The girls says. "I'm Aika Kiryuu, but you can call me Aika."

"Nice to meet you Aika," Gwen says. Aika looks at Kendra and gives the girl a perverted grin and fixes her glasses and checks out Kendra. "Umm, excuse me?" Kendra says. "My eyes are up here." She says. "My bad~ I just couldn't help myself~!"

Kendra's face paled as she covers her crouch with her hands.

"Were you sizing me up!?"

(Timeskip brought to you chibi Kendra chasing Issei.)

"Was that seriously necessary?" Gwen asks. "Of course it was. He deserved it, and now I'm apart of the Kendo club." Kendra says with a smile on her face and leans back against the tree she and Gwen are sitting under. The Omnitrix beeps and turns green. "Yes! Finally it's working!" Kendra exclaims, Gwen facepalms and shakes her head. "What's the matter? Not going to convince me to leave it alone?" Kendra asks.

"You know what Ken, go ahead. See what happens." Gwen says annoyed.

"Okay," Kendra says and turns the faceplate.

Gwen looks at her cousin. If she ends up stuck as an alien forever maybe then she'll learn not to mess with things she isn't suppose to.

Gwen perks up at the sound of ear piercing screams. She looks up and see's several drones attacking students in the court yard while one that was bigger than the others was heading right towards them. "Umm, Ken." Gwen says. "What now?" Kendra asks and looks up. She quickly rolls out the way as a red laser beam hits the spot where she was sitting. "That's it, fuck Japan were going back to the United States!" She grabs Gwen by the and runs as the giant robot comes after them.

"You think you can transform into one of your alien buddies now!" Gwen says. The two round the corner of the building and head into the wooden area behind the school. "Just give me a second!" Kendra yells, the faceplate on the Omnitrix springs up and she turns the dial and a new silhouette appears.

Small flying drones show up and start shooting at the two girls. Kendra picks up Gwen and through herself over a fallen tree. "Stay here." She tells Gwen and hops back over. Kendra slams down the dial. Orange fur grows across her arms and face as her body changes.

Gwen looks at Kendra in her new alien form Wildmutt, currently drooling from the mouth

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Gwen looks at Kendra in her new alien form Wildmutt, currently drooling from the mouth. "Ew, you really couldn't have picked the fire one?" Gwen says and gags.

Wildmutt roars and swings from tree to tree. She stops on one before sensing one of Vilgax's drones targeting her, leaping away before it can shoot her. She jumps on one of the flying drones and tears it robotic arm off and crushes the entire drone in her mouth. From the shadows a small girl with short white and amber colored eyes watched as Wildmutt destroyed the smaller drones whiles evading the giant one trying to grab her.

Wildmutt skids to a stop infront of Gwen. "What? You want me to get on your back or something?" Gwen asks. Wildmutt roars in her face. "Ew! Ever heard of a breath mint?" Gwen gets on and Wildmutt takes off. The robot looks around scanning the area before heading off in a different direction. The white haired girl comes out of her hiding place and looks in the direction Wildmutt took off.

"So troublesome," She says. "Now I have to tell Rias... I just want to eat my chocolate in peace."

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