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   Before the Earth and before the universe there was a single cosmic being who shaped the world into what she desired

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   Before the Earth and before the universe there was a single cosmic being who shaped the world into what she desired.

   After creating the earth she chose to watch over her creations and as the century's turned into millenniums until we reached the year 2022 and still this cosmic being watched over us, but then a young mortal caught her interest and that is our reincarnated soul.

   After the soul passed on the cosmic being plucked him from the line towards his eternal life and brought him to her domain where she woke him up.


   "Ugh. Where am I?" I said as I woke up groggily before I started to look around only to notice I have no body just a glowing ball of light which left me pretty shaken.

  After calming down I continue my look around only to see a giant being made up of what looks like the universe itself and by the way the beings body is shaped I'm guessing she is female.

  After calming down I continue my look around only to see a giant being made up of what looks like the universe itself and by the way the beings body is shaped I'm guessing she is female

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

   "Hello young soul and welcome to my domain!" The being said as her voice boomed all around me causing me to shiver.

   "H-Hello miss." I say as the being bends down towards me.

   "I trust you know that you have died correct?" The being asked as I nodded already putting that together.

  "That's good and now for the reason you are here; I've watched over this universe since I first created it and to be honest it has gotten quite boring, but I do love the stories your species has created so I decided to put you in any of the stories your world has created with two wishes." The being says as I'm left shocked but also excited about getting to go to a different world.

  "Thank you miss, but why me?" I ask as the being nods.

   "It's no real reason it's just that you have piqued my interest so I'm willing to give you this chance." The being said as I nodded before I started to think about which world I wanted before I decided on my world.

   "Okay I've decided!" I say.

"And what do you choose?"

   "I wish to be reborn in the world of Teen Wolf as Scott McCall." I say as the being claps clearly excited by my choice.

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