Chapter 16: Crossover

Start from the beginning

~30 minutes later~

"Jeez- you're dad sounds like a jerk!" Luz stuck out her tongue in disgust.
"He means well, he's just heavily...misguided." I replied.
"And that Addison ghost sounds like a handful!" Luz laughed.
"Yes, she is the reason we've been shipped off to here in the first place." Varian grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Which hasn't been a bad thing so far, we got to meet you!" I saved what could have easily been taking as an insult.
"So, let me get this straight, you're a stone?" Luz looks at me in awe.
I wave my hands semi-enthusiastically.
"Surprise!" I laugh a little awkwardly.
"Luz! What's taking you so long?" A male voice shouts from across the room.
"Shoot, I forgot to introduce you to some of my friends. Follow me!" Luz smiles, grabbing my hand which followed by me grabbing Varian's hand and all three of us traveling to what seemed the be the living room, well- to some degree.
I walked in a laid eyes on two, technically three other people.
One looked like a wolf cub with a funky scull, the other had purple hair, and the other, well- wow.
~dramatic music starts to play~
"Be still my heart~..."
~Sound of a record abruptly stopping plays~
~Somewhere in the multiverse~

"ABANDONSHIP!" Mae Mae shouts.
"Whaaaaaat?" Abandonship innocently asks.
"You cannot, will not, and shall not give Y/n the wrong love interest. THIS IS A VARIAN X READER NOT A HUNTER ONE!" Mae Mae yells, snatching the phone Abandonship was writing with.
Abandonship takes the phone, holding it close to her chest to protect it from Mae Mae's clutches. She looks at the phone then back at Mae Mae's stern but sincere look.
"Ugh, fineeeeee, next fic, ok?" Abandonship offers.
"Deal." Mae Mae says, shaking hands with Abandonship.

~Back to the dimension we're really on~

"Wow." I shake my head, rubbing my temples.
"Are you alright?" Varian asks.
"Yeah, just wow." I blink rapidly, trying to remember the last 5 seconds.
"This is Y/n and this is Varian! They're here to see Eda but while they wait, Y/n and Varian, this is my brother King, my other brother Hunter, and my girlfriend Amity!" Luz says, showcasing them while smiling.
After a series of waves and Hi's, Varian and I sat down.
"So, where are you two from? I've never seen you guys before." The wolf-hybrid, King, spoke.
"Oh- uhhhh, we're....from...." I tried to think.
"Witches Toe!" Varian quickly spoke.
I looked at him like he was nuts.
"Witches toe?" I mouthed at him like he was crazy.
Luz raises a brow and gives Varian a "wtf" face. Honestly I couldn't have done it better myself. What was the point of making up a story? Our ears were exposed, we obviously didn't looked like nor acted like we were from here, oh Varian...
Varian lightly shrugs to not draw attention and uncomfortably smiles.
Hunter starts to chuckle.
"Never been there before, heard it became illegal to sell a certain type of substance there last I heard of that place." Hunter spoke.
Varian and I breathed in deeply with relief.
Then the door opened.
"What happened to Hooty?" A woman said from the doorway.
"Eda! You have visitors!" Luz smiles, helping Eda with her bags.
"Visitors huh? You sure they aren't here to kill me?" Eda grins, walking to the living room and looking right at Varian and I.
I wave awkwardly while Varian tries to smile.
"Oh, you're kids. This should be good," Eda crouched down in front of us.
"Are you familiar with the name Addison?" I asked.
Eda's eyes widened.
"Haven't heard that name in years, what's she been up to these days?" Eda asks, fully sitting down in front of us.
"Well, she's been cursed in our dimension. She sent us here to break it, she said you'd know who." Varian finished explaining.
"I thought you were from-." Amity started to speak but I raised a hand.
"Varian panics when he's stressed, he's an- interesting lil' guy." I smiled mischievously at the last part.
"Hey!" Varian said, defensively.
Eda's eyes darkened.
"Rowan." Eda growled the name.
"Uh- who?" Varian asked, coming back to the situation at hand.
"Very powerful witch, he's definitely the one who cursed my old friend. Let's go!" Eda announced automatically, sitting up and grabbing her staff.
"Now? Right now? Ok." Varian replied simply, holding his hand out and helping me up.
"We can help Eda!" Luz said almost excitedly.
"No, you four stay here. Us three will be done before you know it." Eda ordered, pointing at all of them.
"Uh huh, ok, let's go y'all!" Luz waved a hand over.
Amity grabs Luz's hand and nuzzles her nose, Hunter roll his eyes and makes a bleh face as King climbs onto his shoulder. A white cat makes itself comfortable in Amity's hair while a cardinal looking bird perches itself on Hunter's other shoulder.
"Ugh, fine." Eda huffs.
We all start making our way deeper into the woods, jumping over logs, hopping over rivers, slicing through very thick leaves, etc.
Until finally we reached a tree with a house built within it. The area surrounding it was very shadowed but the trees and filled with swampy animals, plants, and murky river water.
"Let's get this over with." Eda grumbles, walking through the muddy waters.
"Well that was fast." I remarked, holding hands with Varian.
"She's always like this, ready to protect and care for." Luz smiles in admiration.
"Sounds like someone else I know." Amity blushes, squeezing Luz's hand.
Hunter makes a gagging sound, only to receive a whack in the face from a blobby, purple substance Amity made with her hands.
"How'd you do that?!" Varian and I stared in awe.
"It's called an abomination, one of the many powers a witch in our world can possess. Doesn't your dimension have any sort of powers?" Amity asks, only a little confused.
I allow my eyes to glow and shine through the dark in response.
"Something like that." I respond.
Luz, Amity, King and Hunter stare at my eyes in wonder.
Eda wasn't paying attention though, she turns her staff to the side and kicks the door to the home open with it.
Circling her staff and making golden things of wisps and other funky looking things to go through her staff and traps the witch inhabiting the house.
"What is this? Let me go!" Rowan shouted.
"Let her go first!" Eda growled, pointing the tip of her staff at Rowan's throat.
"What do you mean-? Oh, it's you." Rowan sneered. The rest of us started to pile in the small hut-like house, cramming into shoving into each other just to fit.
"This is all moving way too fast." I whispered to Varian, who nodded rapidly in response.
"I can help, for a price of course." Rowan chuckled darkly.
"Or, we can give you an even better thing then a price," Eda replied.
Suddenly, Luz yanked out multiple pieces of paper with weird symbols on them, Amity's cat grew into a staff as multiple abominations spilled from Amity's hand, making it more crammed then before, and hunter's bird grew into a staff as well, his eyes flashing golden.
Varian and I following along with what everybody was doing, I made my eyes glow and my hands bring back the weird, wobbly, circles and Varian took out a few of his alchemical balls.
"Mercy." Eda finished.
Rowan started to sweat.
"Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. I'll do it, just ever bother me again." Rowan gritted his teeth.
Eda smiled, setting her staff down.
Rowan started to chant, his eyes glowing purple mixed with black. The words sounded almost demonic, but it was obviously a spell. A wave of purple burst through him and spread out, growing bigger and bigger, making all of us fall on top of each other.
The chanting stopped and Rowan turned back to normal.
I got up first, blinking.
"Did you do it?" I asked, an edge to my voice.
"Yes." Rowan grumbled, sounding like a toddler who was forced to apologize without wanting to.

~Back at the owl house~

"Why are you two still here? Shouldn't you get back to your own dimension? No offense." Hunter asked.
All of us were enjoying what Eda said was apple blood? It didn't sound great, but it sure tasted good.
"None taken. The only way for us to get back to our dimension is through Addison, she explained that it was harder to transfer other beings then it was to transfer herself. She can only do it so many times until eventually, she has no more energy to give. We don't know how long it'll be until she decides to retrieve us." Varian explained, swishing around his drink.
"Speaking of which, how do you and Addison know each other? Addison was a little vague on instructions, relations, and things like that." I asked.
Eda stared off, looking at the cabinets behind us fondly.
"We used to pull many pranks and go on many adventures together. She was definitely a joy to be around, you never got bored when you were with her. Then of course, she got cursed, didn't know that until now of course. Thought she just left and never came back. Good to know she didn't leave just because." Eda explained.
"I'm glad we bumped into you guys first. Varian and I expected this place to be unbelievably scary, you guys are all so nice though." I complimented, smiling at all of them.
That earned a blush from all of them, somehow even Varian.
Suddenly, the table started to shake, it felt like an earthquake.
A bright light showed behind Varian and I, a laughter pouring out of its crevices.
"Miss me?" Addison's voice said.
"Addison!" Eda smiled.
"Eda! Finally!" Addison smiled with joy.
"So this is the infamous Addison?" Luz grinned, placing her shoulder on mine.
"Believe me, she gets annoying fast." I giggled to Luz.
"Heard that, and aren't I your ride to your own dimension? Mhm, yeah, so zip it stoney." Addison glared, crossing her arms.
Varian stifled a laugh.
"Rude." I mumbled.
"Thank you guys for helping us, it means a lot." Varian smiled, hugging Eda.
Eda patted Varian's head, smiling.
"Just glad y'all weren't trying to kill me." Eda smiled.
I went around and hugged everybody, hugging Luz last.
"Sorry y'all, I'm a hugger." I explained to the wide eyes and startled expressions of mostly everyone but Luz and Eda.
"So am I Y/n, so am I." Luz smiled, hugging me tightly.
"Who knows? Maybe we will see each other again, somehow." I said, walking to Varian and Addison.
"I'll definitely see you guys around." Addison commented, winking at Eda.
"Goodbye!" Varian said as a bright light flowed around us.
"Bye everyone! We'll see each other again ok?" I called back to everyone.
"Totally!" Luz waved back.
King climbed onto Luz for a better view and waved along with everyone else.
"And remember! Reality is an illusion and the universe is a hologram, wrong fandom- BYEEEEEEEEE!" Addison shouted, enclosing the bright light around all of us.
Instead of traveling through space and time and multiple universes, we made it back to our world instantly.
"I guess this is goodbye too." I looked at Addison.
Yes, I suppose it is. I'll visit you two though, you ain't getting rid of me that easily." Addison grinned.
"Well, guess this is goodbye to then. Goodbye." Varian smiled at Addison.
"Bye Addison." I smiled at her as well.
For once, Addison smiled at us too. A genuine, sincere smile.
"See you." Addison replied.
And with a bright light, she was gone.
"Well then, that was-."
"Interesting? Exciting? Going to be a very long time to fully process and understand how? Honestly, yeah." I laughed.
"I actually really liked that we did that." Varian continued on, linking arms with me as we heading back inside our cabin.
"Yeah and who knows? Luz and I would have probably become really good friends." I commented as we opened the door.
"You do have a way with people." Varian replied.
"Do I now?" I smiled.
"Mhm." Varian hummed in response.
"How long do you think we've been gone?" I asked.
"Probably a day or so, nobody missed us probably." Varian waved a hand dismissively.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Eh, honestly, I just need a good night's rest." I yawned as he headed upstairs.
"Night sweetheart." Varian said, closing the curtains.
"Sweetheart?" I asked, taking off my shoes and corset and hopping into bed.
"Yeah, like a nickname, I like it." Varian blushed.
Varian hopped into bed and I kissed his cheek.
"I like it too." I smiled.

This took sooooo long but as you can see it IS very long, XD!
Hope you enjoyed this mini subplot and thanks for over 400 reads! If I haven't said that already, lol.
I hope I have some Owl House fans in the chat or else this would have been reallllll confusing for some of y'all.
Well, not really, I followed no plot, I just plopped the characters in because I love the series^-^
Anywho! Hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know if I made any mistakes!
Have a blessed day/morning/night!

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