Chapter 2: New World Order

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Sammie: 'Changes'? What the heck does that mean?

Sammie gives a questionable look.

Ms. Maddox: Quiet down, Sammie. Please.

Principal Isa: Now, for the morning announcements. Today's featured lunch will be Caesar Salad with croutons. Due to safely concerns and lack of interest, Friday's roller skating race has been canceled.

Sydney: You know, she kind of makes a point there.

Principal Isa: And finally, would Sydney Kym please report to the office immediately? That's all for today. Thank you.

Sydney: Report to the office? Me? I don't understand. I would never break the rules!

Sammie: Well she's probably calling you because there's something for you in the lost and found. You said your coat went missing yesterday.

Sydney: Yeah, that must be it. I'll see you guys later.

Sydney starts to skip towards the door.

Ms. Maddox: Sydney? Hall pass?

Sydney stops in her tracks and turns around.

Sydney: Right. Sorry.

Ms. Maddox writes Sydney a hall pass and leaves. Meanwhile in Isa's office, Maria is sitting in front of Isa, who sits down with her fingers crossed.

Principal Isa: I have to say, Ms. Flores. For one of the most brightest and dedicated students, I am disappointed....

Maria: Sorry?

Principal Isa: If you had been paying closer attention to what Michael was doing, that video wouldn't have gotten shown in front of the entire school and Hughs would still be here. It's a shame too. The announcements was a very great opportunity to inform our students about what's happening....and now....thanks to you, those chances are gone, but I'm not going to let that happen again.

Maria: What does that mean?

Principal Isa: You will resign from any and all leadership positions in Berry High with the exception of class president.

Maria: What?

Principal Isa: The students of Berry High need a leader and positive figure to look up to....and clearly, you're not it.

Maria gives a shocked look.

Maria: This isn't fair!

Principal Isa: Life isn't fair,'re dismissed.

Maria: But--

Principal Isa: I said; you're dismissed, young lady.

Maria packs her up her things and leaves. After first period, Sammie and Emma find Maria standing in front of her locker, staring blankly at it with her eyes look red and puffy.

Sammie: Hey, Maria. Are you okay?

Maria: don't know....Ugh! Dammit!

Emma: The morning announcements were really important to you, weren't they?

Maria: It's not just that. After the broadcast, Principal Isa gave me a long lecture about how she excepted better from me.

Sammie: From you? You're just one person.

Maria: She says that if I had been paying closer attention to what Michael was doing, that clip wouldn't have gotten show in front of the entire school.

Emma: But that's--

Maria: Emma, she's forcing to resign all my leadership positions.

Tears start streaming down Maria's face again.

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