Episode 4- Power Levelled

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Red: Armstrong, Nebula, 18, Frieza, and Cinderella
Green: Kakashi, Harley, Scott, Steve, and Kevin
Blue: Gamora, Vegeta, Chun-Li, Patrick, and Heather

15 people are left, who will be voted out next?

Green Tribe— Day 7

Kevin is wrapped up in a blanket, leaving the shelter when he sees the other four chatting.

Kevin: Is this what hell is? Ada is out, Steve is protected, and I can't do anything about someone like Harley or Kakashi. Not yet. I HAVE TO DEPEND on winning now, because if I don't have an "immunity" idol in my hands, and if I can't fit in, I'm finished.

Kevin walks up to the group, as Scott waves at him.

Scott: Hey Kev, get in here!

Kevin walks faster, as the five huddle up.

Kakashi: I heard rumbling an hour ago. There are creatures on this island. I didn't want to be the goody responsible leader, but these are my comrades, and I won't let them down.

Kevin peaks his head into the huddle.

Harley: Did you sleep well?

Kevin: Not really.

Harley: Thats bad news, because we have company.

The sound of branches falling is heard.

Kevin: I just got up, why are we doing this?

Kakashi: We aren't alone on this island. This is the Wumpa Islands, which has malevolent creatures.

Steve: Like that damned green bean I had to step on.

Scott: Yeah, that was ruthless...

Kevin: OK, cook a big guy, got it.

Kakashi: On my go, we'll rush in together and take it down. It's important that we don't have any casualties.

The other four break the huddle, as Kevin looks on in confusion. He just balls his fist and steps by Scott's side.

Scott: First time?

Kevin: You know it.

Scott: You'll get used to it.

Kakashi: GO!!

The five rush into the forest, ready for battle.

A tall buff Koala (Koala Kong) is revealed, as the five look at the size!

Kakashi: Everyone has a weak spot. Find it.

They split off on different sides of the monster. Harley comes at it with her bat, and smacks it across the side! It doesn't do much, as Steve starts climbing all over it's back, pulling out that switchblade! The Kong swats him off, as Kevin just looks on at everything. The Kong spots him, as Kevin's jaw drops.

Kevin: It doesn't have to be this way!

The Kong RIPS a tree from the surface, and aims at Kevin! As the tree comes his way, Kakashi shoves him from the line of fire and takes it instead!

Kevin: HOLY SH*T!

As Kevin rushes past the rubble, he finds that Kakashi's body isn't there, but a log. Kevin squints at this sight.

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