I was sitting there playing on the game with Connie joined, it was a love game so there was no pausing and I realized that I probably should've been hanging out with y/n yet I was so excited to be able to play video games again.

"Hey Connie, I'm gonna get on later," I spoke into my phone, I hung up after and noticed that the entire house was oddly silent.

At first, I thought y/n was asleep after I got up, as I started walking toward the bedroom I heard very faint crying and it was obviously from y/n. I hurried over to the shut bathroom door and tried to open it but it was locked and the crying completely stopped.

"Y/n?!" I called out, I could hear her sniffling and began shaking to doorknob despite her not answering.

"Hm?" She replied and clearly pitched her voice higher so it sounded like she wasn't crying.

"What's wrong? Open the door."


You wiped your face quickly, checking in the mirror to see if your eyes were red and they were so you wet a paper towel and wiped over your eyes a couple of times until the red lightened up and Eren shook the doorknob again.

You opened the door again and smiled softly at him, cracking the door a bit before he nudged it further open so you opened it all the way.

"I heard crying."

"I was watching a show," you answered, he squinted at you and looked around the bathroom.

"In the bathroom...?"

"You're playing games on the tv in the living room so-"

"We have a tv in the bedroom." He interrupted, catching you in your lie but you just stared at him.

"What's going on y/n?" He asked once more and took a step toward you, expressing his concern.

You sighed, looking down at the floor and this deep heavy weighted feeling in your chest that you could seek to shake. When you wanted to open your mouth it just felt difficult, like every time you tried to speak there was a lump in your throat.

"Can you promise me you won't get mad? Please?"

"I pinky swear." He locked his pinky over yours yet you still didn't want to say anything he'd only been home for an hour and you felt like it was reckless of you to say this so early.

"Is it about Armin? I know Levi probably told you why he did it all while I was away," Eren asked and you narrowed your eyebrows because you hadn't heard anything about Armin's reasoning.

"No...he didn't tell me anything?"

"Oh...well... do you want to know?" He asked awkwardly before you could tell him anything, you nodded.

"Armin didn't kidnap my mother, it was some other random and we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Long story short, when Armin found out about you and I, he tracked down the guy, and being a cop he had better access to files and videos than I did. He had the men who kidnapped her, kill her once he knew you and I were together. He just did it out of spite and because he could." Eren answered and you stared back.

"I'm sorry...I didn't-

"It's okay. He's dead now so holding onto it isn't healthy," he assured and he actually seemed confident in that which have you a little relief even though that's not why you were crying.

"It wasn't that...was it? What's going on y/n?" He took a step closer to you, doing his best to get you to confess.

"I'm pregnant." You mumbled, you were terrified for his reaction because you thought he didn't want kids at all.

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